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Madara was walking the streets of Konoha when a bob of pink hair caught his immediate attention. He smiled, his blood already thrumming as he made his way over to her.

He’s been itching to spar with the pinkette ever since he watched her fight his brother. There have been nights when he’s woken up with a hard-on from dreaming about her in the field, her lithe body weaving and punching craters on the ground.


She turned around and greeted him with a smile. He froze for a moment as he felt his heart skip a beat.

“Madara?” she asked when he was quiet a second too long. He cleared his throat.

“Dance with me, Sa-ku-ra ,” he said in that silky baritone voice of his. Sakura blinked a few times, not registering what he said.

“D-dance? What are you talk- wait, you want to spar with me?” she asked, looking up at him through her lashes, a look of surprise on her face.

He traced the back of his knuckles down her cheeks, making her involuntarily shiver. His smirk grew wider at the reaction and she scowled.


Sakura stood staring at him, her mouth open like a gaping fish but got a hold of herself. She didn’t trust her voice so she nodded instead and followed him to the training grounds.

Madara was watching her stretch from across the field, the yukata leaving nothing to the imagination of her womanly curves.

The anticipation from this spar along with her unintentional form of a tease, has already made him hard and aching. She looked at him with narrowed eyes and tilted her head.

“You seem too relaxed,” she said, and he smirked at the little pout she made.

He shrugged, causing the pinkette to scoff.

“I doubt I’ll even have to use my sharingan,” he goaded, smiling at her. Sakura gritted her teeth and got into a fighting stance.

“You’re going to eat your words, Uchiha,” she growled.

He smiled bigger, his adrenaline spiking and his blood pumping. “Let this dance begin,” he drawled as they both attacked.

She’s fierce and ruthless in her attacks, and rightly so after goading her. “Shannaro!” she yelled as she twisted her body to do a round-house kick aimed at his face, which he blocked by grabbing onto her ankles, her heels only inches from touching his face.

From that angle, he nearly came undone at the sight before him; her muscled legs under the yukata, accentuated by the fact she’s stuck in a kick position.

She scoffed and twisted her body again to kick with her other leg. He released her before she could land a hit.

At one point, Sakura managed to land a particularly hard punch to his chest, causing him to groan in pain.

His erection twitched. He was really enjoying this dance with the pinkette.

Sakura was a dance partner that he’s never fought before. She’s powerful in her punches and intensely destructive, yet at the same time she was graceful in her movements and very precise.

He could see her calculating the next move in her green eyes. He could see that she was also enjoying their spar in the way her eyes shone when they collided.

The spar ended with Madara pinning Sakura against a tree, his forearms against her upper back while his other hand held on to both of her wrists.

Sakura tried to wiggle out of his grasp, causing Madara to groan and tighten his grip on her. Sakura looked over her shoulder and gasped as she met his red-eyes.

The Blossom and Her Four Pillars - Sakura Haruno Where stories live. Discover now