When Gods Battle!

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"You're a long way from Navy H.Q... Kuzan," Luffy said as he narrowed his eyes. Just as he spoke thunderclouds began forming overhead and the wind began to pick up causing Luffy's coat to flutter in the wind.

"And you're a long way from the New World," Kuzan replied calmly as he stared at the Luffy.

"I'm making my way back there now," Luffy said calmly before a slightly excited smirk appears on his face. "You plan on stopping me?" he asked in a dangerous/excited tone as lightning flashed overhead followed by deafening thunder.


"Would you calm down," Kuzan said with a sigh as he saw Luffy gearing up for a fight. "Like I told your crew, I'm just here on a stroll. I was not ordered here to capture you," he added before a yawn escaped his mouth. Luffy did not buy that explanation for one second. There was no way someone of Kuzan's status and power just happened to take a stroll and ended up crossing paths with Luffy and his crew. "Besides Luffy," Kuzan said getting Luffy's attention. "You know the motto of justice I believe in," he said causing Luffy to look at him for a few seconds before he sighed in disappointment and began to cancel off his power.

"Why are you relaxing Luffy?" Nojiko asked as she stared at Luffy with a puzzled look on her face.

"What is his sense of justice?" Usopp asked seeing that it made Luffy relax.

"Lazy Justice," Luffy replied with a sigh causing his crew to sweat drop. Robin was still on the ground staring at the Navy Admiral. She did not believe that man would just leave them alone because he was lazy or was not feeling up to it. She had witnessed his power firsthand and knew just what he was capable of, so she was not going to just lower her guard. She also knew even though Luffy appeared as though he was relaxing, she can tell his guard was still up. Speaking of Luffy, Robin was seriously puzzled at the strange relationship that her captain and the admiral seem to have. Even though they were gearing up for a fight she can tell that the two of them appear to be friends in some weird way. It was an absolutely bizarre idea to think about.

"Anyway, what I was saying was..." Kuzan said knocking Robin out of her thought. "...hold on a minute," he said before he began lying down on the ground. "Being on my feet too long makes me tired," he said in a lethargic voice as he laid down on the grass. Luffy stared at the lazy admiral and shook his head while the rest of his crew sweat dropped.

"Then maybe you shouldn't sleep standing up," Usopp said as he folded his arms.

"As I was saying, I have no intention of capturing you," Kuzan said ignoring Usopp and surprising everyone. "So, you can all just relax," he added from his position on the ground. "I am only here to confirm the location of Nico Robin, who had not been seen since the Alabasta incident and as suspected she has been with you," he said causing Luffy to narrow his eyes. "I'll come up with some report for headquarters. Now that you added another crew member with a price on their heads your overall bounty is going to go up as well," Kuzan said as he held up his right hand as though he was about to start counting. "Let us see, 200 million," he said while pointing at Luffy, "plus 200 million," he said as he pointed to Ryuma, "and now 89 million," he added as he moved his hand in Zoro's direction before he spoke again "and Finally 79 million"as he said as he stopped and said "That brings your overall bounty up to...um...Ah screw it, some big ass number," he said lazily as he gave up on the math.

"Just do the math," Zoro said as he stared down at the man.

"Cut the bullshit Kuzan," Luffy said in a serious tone as he narrowed his eyes. "You and I both know the marines have people for that kind of work, they are not going to send an Admiral just to check up on the bounty of a pirate crew," he added as he looked down at the lazy admiral.

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