The Admiral!

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The crew had been sailing for about three days now since they arrived back on the Blue Sea. Luffy was currently standing in the front of the ship wearing a black slim fit dress suit pants with a pair of pretty expensive looking dress shoes which looked to be made from some kind of animal skin which allowed it to shine in the sunlight. He also had on a black form-fitting silk button-up shirt with the two buttons undone exposing his lightning bolt necklace and hanging from his shoulders was his captain's coat billowing in the wind. The most notable difference about Luffy was the fact that he did not have his sword strapped to his waist like he normally does but instead he had a golden staff in his right hand which he got from Enel.

The crew was currently scattered all over the ship doing their own thing. Sanji was in the kitchen preparing lunch, Robin was in the kitchen with him, but she was reading a book. Usopp was on the rear deck sitting on the floor with his tools and some dials trying to incorporate them into Nami's clima tact, Chopper was sitting not that far from Usopp making medicine to restock his supply. Zoro was also on the rear deck with the two of them but he was training by swinging around a large weight. Nami was sitting on the main deck on a lawn chair reading a newspaper while Nojiko was up in the crow's nest keeping a lookout.

"Land Hoo!" Nojiko yelled up from the crow's nest while holding up a pair of binoculars. Her voice got the attention of everyone on board the ship who all stopped what they were doing to come and see the island.

"It's still pretty far away," Luffy said as he leaned against his staff. "I can barely see it," he added as some of the crew joined him at the front of the ship.

"There seems to be fog surrounding it," Nojiko said causing her sister to worry slightly.

"Chopper! Go man the rudder just in case we come across trouble," Nami said to the little reindeer causing him to transform into his heavy point and run off to the rudder.

"It's still pretty far and it will take us a while to get there with this wind," Luffy said as he turned and looked at the sails. The Going Merry sailed forward slowly for about two and a half hours before they arrived at the edge of the fog surrounding the island. As they sailed through the fog the entire crew was slightly on edge due to a strange ship, they came across earlier that had no sails or flag and only had five people on board. When the Merry finally made it through the fog and arrived at the island there was nothing but grass and trees as far as the eye can see.

"It seems to be uninhabited," Robin commented as she looked out at the island.

"It's nothing but grass and trees as far as the eye can see," Luffy noted as he stared out at the beautiful sight. "It's like a blank slate, completely untouched by man," he added.

"What are we standing around for?" Usopp asked as he got up onto the side of the ship. "Let's go!" he yelled before leaping off the ship with Chopper following behind him.

"Hey! Don't just jump off like that!" Nami scolded but the duo paid no attention to her. "They have no sense of danger," she said with a sigh as she shook her head.

"You worry too much, Ms. Navigator," Robin said before she hopped off. Luffy just chuckled before he too hopped off the Merry. When Luffy landed on the island his attention was immediately drawn to his right where he saw a white bear walking upright, but the only difference was this bear was extremely long.

"What the hell?" Luffy asked himself as he stared at the bear walk across the meadow.

"Hey, Luffy!" Usopp yelled while holding up a red fruit with a bite taken out of it. "Check out how long this apple is," he said surprising his captain.

"What a strange place," Luffy commented before he walked forward to one of the trees and used a small bolt of lightning to knock an apple off the long trees. Chopper, Usopp, and Nojiko went off in the distance to examine a house they saw leaving Luffy, Nami, Zoro, Sanji, and Robin behind. Luffy just knocked a few apples off the tree again before sitting down at the base of the tree eating them while staring at the strange animals that were on this island.

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