It All Ends!

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Luffy and Robin arrived just about the center of Alubarna while his crew members were scattered all around in the city of Alubarna and in the areas around it. When Luffy got to a position where he could sense every member of his crew, he stopped the cloud and sat back down on his throne. Robin looked at him with a slightly confused look on her face.

"All of your crew members appear to be in completely different locations and all of their battles appear as though they are going to be taken place at the same time," she said while looking at Luffy who simply smiled back at her and crossed his legs. "How exactly are you going to observe all of their fights?" she asked with a confused look on her face causing Luffy to chuckle.

"You will be surprised at the amazing things haki allows you to do," Luffy replied before he closed his eyes and began using his observation haki while Robin just looked out from the cloud down below to try and see what was going on. Luffy found each member of his crew along with their opponents. He then zeroed in on them and blocked out any other life force that was there. "Now then, let the games begin," he said as he observed his crew.

**Zoro, Nami, and Nojiko vs Mr. 1 and Ms. Double Finger**

Zoro was standing across from Mr. 1 and Ms. Double Finger with his hand on his swords while Nojiko stood off to his right with her three-section staff held diagonally behind her back with her right hand holding onto the top section and her left hand is on the bottom section. Nami was standing some distance behind the duo with three members of the Super Sonic Duck squad cheering them on.

"Go get em, big sis!" She yelled while pumping her fist in the air. "You show em, Zoro!" she continued causing Zoro and Nojiko's eyebrow to twitch.

"We don't need a cheering squad! Just help us!" Zoro yelled back at her to which she ignored. The two Baroque Works agents then began walking forward with a calm look on their face as though they didn't even feel threatened at the presence of the straw hats. As they began walking Zoro and Nojiko's guard immediately went up, but much to their surprise the two Baroque Works agents simply walked right past them as though they didn't even exist and began making their way to Nami.

"The primary rule of assignation says all weaker targets are to be eliminated first," Mr. 1 said in a gruff voice.

"We'll show you how professionals handle these things," Ms. Double Finger said coolly as she swayed her hips.

"What, you mean me?" Nami asked as she looked around for help only to see that the ducks that were with her already ran away. "Hold on just a minute. Getting rid of me won't accomplish anything at all," she said with a nervous chuckle. "Sure, I'm pretty and I know how to dress but I don't have any fighting skills," she said as she put her hand up in front of her.

"Yes, we know, it is fairly obvious," Ms. Double Finger said. "As we said, picking off the weak ones first is the fastest way to work," she added with a smirk causing Nami suddenly smirked as she turned her body gold and released her wings

As she released a wind gust and throw both the agents away

"That's my sister, always causing some kind of trouble," Nojiko said with a sigh before she turned and took off after the agents with Zoro and Nami right behind her.

**Luffy and Robin**

"That girl needs to grow up and learn that she isn't in the East Blue anymore," Luffy said with a sigh as he opened his eyes.

"She still has time," Robin said as she turned and looked at Luffy. "You just need to have a little patience," she added with a smile.

"That is one thing I do not have," Luffy grumbled under his breath before closing his eyes again began focusing on the battle down below. Just as he was about to zero in on Usopp, Ryuma and Chopper's fight his observation haki alerted to someone headed towards the city at amazing speed. "I'll be right back," Luffy said to Robin before he turned his body to lightning and teleported from the cloud before she had a chance to question him.

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