Finding a Cook and Defeating the Baratie

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Luffy and his crew were currently sailing on the Going Merry towards a floating restaurant that Luffy had heard of. It is rumored to have fighting chefs and in Luffy's mind, that is exactly what he needed. Luffy was currently sitting at the back of the ship on a throne he had made from a thundercloud. He was sitting there with a glass of whiskey in his had watching all his crew members do their own thing. Zoro and Ryuma were training, Usopp was standing not too far from Luffy getting one f the cannons ready for a test, and Nami was laying on a lawn chair behind Luffy reading a book on navigation. Luffy looked up on the main mast of the ship and smiled at the sight of his pirate flag with the jolly roger he created flying proudly. His jolly roger was a Japanese hannya skull wearing a straw hat with 4 elements drawing replacing the usual crossbones. Luffy had made Usopp paint a larger version of the jolly roger on the sails of the ship striking fear in the hearts of his enemies from a distance. Luffy then turned towards Usopp and spoke.

"Hey Usopp," he said getting Usopp's attention. "Is it ready?" he asked. Usopp gave a wide smile before he replied.

"Yes, it is all set," Usopp said before he made some ridiculous pose and began speaking again. "Just give me a target and I will show you what the great Captain Usopp can do!" he said proudly causing Luffy to sigh and take a sip of his whiskey before he could replied ryuma came and said.

"Care to repeat that long nose" Ryuma said as he pointed his sword towards usopp as he was sweating bullets by seeing ryuma face as Luffy ignored it as he looked out into the distance and saw a giant rock off the starboard side of the ship.

"Look over there," Luffy said while pointing at the giant rock. "I want you to hit that rock," he said. Usopp then stop crying and looks at the rock and began to aim the cannon. Luffy could see he was sweating a bit but didn't say anything. Usopp took aim and fired the cannon. The cannonball sailed through the air before colliding with the rock smashing it into pieces. Luffy smiled when he saw Usopp hit his target, he was a sniper just like his father. All Luffy needed to do was get him to stop acting like a coward. "Good job Usopp," Luffy said congratulating him. Usopp turned to Luffy and smiled and made another ridiculous pose before he spoke.

"You can expect only the best from the great Captain Usopp!" he proclaimed proudly. Only to stop as he see Ryuma glaring at him as Luffy shook his head before he looked over at Zoro and yell out.

"Zoro!" he called out getting Zoro's attention. " Could you come here for a second," He said before looking over at Nami and spoke again. "You too Nami," he said causing her to close her book and walk over to Luffy. When everyone arrived Luffy stuck his hand into the cloud that he was sitting on and pulled out Four bags that obviously had something in them.

"What's with the bags Captain?" Zoro asked.

"I think it is time to give all of you your share in Kuro's bounty," Luffy said making Nami's eyes to turn into beli signs. "Kuro's bounty was 16 million and there is Five of us. So, it is 4 million to two of you," Luffy said as he handed the bag to each to Zoro and Ryuma. "And 2 million to both of you" Luffy as he handed other two to usopp and nami.Usopp thanked Luffy and so did Nami however, after thanking him she immediately began cuddling with the bag of money causing the Four guys to look at her funny. When Luffy handed the bag to Zoro he took it before he spoke to Luffy.

"Umm, could you hold on to it, for now, Captain?" he asked as he handed the money back to Luffy. Luffy nodded and took the money and place it back into the cloud. Ryoma also did the same and Usopp also handed Luffy the money back and asked the same thing to which Luffy agreed and then looked over to Nami to see if she wanted him to hold onto hers as well. Nami shook her head vigorously saying no. Luffy just shrugged before he spoke in a serious voice once more.

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