Farewells and Fishman!

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Luffy and Ryuma were currently sitting at one of the tables in the restaurant eating a bowl of soup with Sanji and all of the chefs. It had been a few hours since Luffy defeated Kreig and everything seem to have calmed down a bit as he told them to get the bounty of Kreig as they were grateful to luffy for it as it will help them cover for about half year of money even after repairing the ship . And for some Don Krieg pirates who chose to give up the pirate's life to become waiters at the restaurant, everything was somewhat peaceful. That was until he heard Patty yell out.

"Who made this soup!?" he asked loudly. Sanji got up from his seat with a smile on his face and walked over to Patty before he spoke.

"I did," he said with a smile. "Isn't it the best soup you ever tasted?" he asked. However, what Patty said next wiped the happy smile right off of his face and replaced it with an angry scowl.

"More like the worst soup I ever tasted," Patty said before he tossed the bowl of soup on the ground. Sanji then grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and yelled at him.

"What did you said you bastard?" He asked angrily. Before Patty could reply some more cooks started to comment on the soup.

"Yea, this thing this disgusting," said one chef.

"Taste like garbage in a bowl to me," said another. it continued like that for a while before every chef in the restaurant was yelling at Sanji for how disgusting his soup was. Luffy and Ryuma were beyond confused, They were wondering if they were eating the same soup that everyone else was tasting. Luffy looked over next to Patty at the pot that was on the table to see if it was the same pot that he took his food out from. To Luffy's surprised it was the exact same pot. So, he took his spoon and took another taste of his soup, while ignoring the fight that broke out between Sanji and the chefs behind him. The soup tasted amazing to Luffy. It reminded him of the home cook food that Makino use to cook for him when he was a kid on Dawn Island. Luffy was interrupted from his reminiscing by the sound of what Luffy could make out as Zeff's wooden leg hitting the floor as he walked. The sound got everyone in the restaurant's attention, they all looked at the stairs to see Zeff walking down the stairs with a spoon in his hand. He walked straight to the pot of soup on the table before he dipped his spoon into the pot and scooped up some soup. All of the commotions stopped, people who were fighting and eating all paused and look at Zeff with baited breath to see what he would say about the soup. In Luffy's mind if there was anyone who could truly judge the tase of the soup and be right about it, was Zeff. Zeff placed a spoon full of the soup in his mouth and swirled it around in his mouth to get a good taste of it before he gave his opinion.

"This soup is horrible," he said before he spat on the floor. As he said that Luffy and Ryuma had their jaws practically hanging. They was about to take a sip of their Drinks before they stopped and looked at the glasses and think to himself.

'Is the whiskey/Wine are burning away my tastebuds?' They thought to themself before they shrugged their shoulders and continued to drink back and savored the taste. They then turned his attention to Sanji who was walking over to Zeff with an angry expression on his face.

"What did you say, you only geezer!?" Sanji asked/yelled. Zeff folded his arms before he replied.

"You heard me the first time brat," he said before he turned around and started walking back towards the kitchen. As he was walking he looked over his shoulder and spoke to Sanji once more. "Might as well join that kid's pirate crew because I don't need a crappy cook like you working here," Zeff said. Luffy who saw how much that comment hit Sanji and decided to add his two cents. So, he and Ryuma got up with his bowl and walked over to the pot and started to take out some more soup. As he was serving himself seconds, he spoke to the entire restaurant.

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