Romance Dawn

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Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece.

Chapter 1: Romance Dawn

In the party bar in Foosha Village, a group of pirates could be seen drinking and having a good time. Sitting at the bar is a young seven-year-old boy named Monkey D. Luffy and next to him is a red-haired man with a straw hat eating a plate of food.

"Hey, you have to take me with you on your next adventure Shanks. I want to be a pirate just like you!" Luffy said with a huge smile on his face while looking at the red-haired man now named Shanks. Shanks looked up from his food and turned towards Luffy and started laughing.

"Hahahaha! Right as if you could ever be a pirate." Shanks said.

"Why couldn't I?" Luffy asked. A large man eating a piece of meat answered his question.

"Listen Luffy, you may be a good swimmer and all, but that doesn't mean you will make a good pirate," said Lucky Roo while eating his meat.

"But I'm a great fighter too, my punches are like two pistols!" he said as he held out his fist for them to see. It was an amusing sight to see for everyone else in the bar.

"Are they now?" said Shanks with a mouth full of food.

"Whats that suppose to mean!" Luffy yelled. Lucky Roo laughed and spoke

"He means you are too much of a kid, kid," he said.

"And he is right you know, I got boys older than you," said Yasopp. A tick mark formed on Luffy's forehead before he starting to yell at them.

"I'm not a kid! I'm a grown up!" he screamed at the top of the lungs. He was brought out of his screaming by Shank's voice.

"Here have some juice and clam down," Shanks said as she slid a glass of what appears to be orange juice over to Luffy. Luffy's eyes lit up and he got a huge smile on his face.

"Wow thanks, Shanks," he said as he began to drink the juice. As he started drinking Shanks starting laughing at him while hitting the bar counter.

"I don't know one pirate who drinks juice!" Shanks said while laughing.

"That's a dirty trick!" Luffy screamed causing everyone at the bar to burst out laughing, "Stop laughing! That was a cheap shot!" he screamed at the rest of the pirates. While all of this is going on the owner of the bar Makino is watching the interaction between Luffy and the pirates with a warm smile on her face. Suddenly the doors of the bar were kicked off of its hinges and came flying into the bar.

"Excuse us." said the tall man standing in front of the door. At this point, the entire bar was silent while looking at the door. The man who was leading the group of other men into the bar was a tall, dark-skinned man with black hair, a black goatee, and an X-shaped scar above his right eye. He wore a long red coat over a white shirt, black trousers, and a golden necklace. "So these are what passes for pirates around these parts. Looks rather sad, to be honest" he said as he walked up to the bar counter and stood next to Shanks.

"Welcome gentlemen, what can I do for you?" asked Makino.

"We're mountain bandits, but we didn't come here to tear your place apart. All we want is some sake. Let's say ten barrels should do." he said to Makino.

"I'm sorry, but actually we are fresh out of sake right now," Makino said. After the mountain bandit had said he didn't come to terrorize the bar Luffy and tuned out and turned his attention elsewhere because in his opinion a mountain bandit ordering sake was boring. So, he turned to his right at the chest sitting on the counter of the bar. He knew it belonged Shanks because he saw when they brought it in with them. His mind immediately began to race with ideas after ideas about what may be inside of the chest. So, he decided to satisfy his curiosity and look inside. It was somewhat disappointing because inside of the chest wasn't any treasure like Luffy had hoped it would be, instead it was two strange looking fruits. They were two fruits that look really different as he decided against eating it. At that very same time, Luffy stomach growled so he decided to eat both the fruit. Luffy being Luffy, instead of taking a small bit of the fruits to see what it takes like he places both the fruits in his mouth and bit down. He instantly regretted that. That was the most disgusting thing Luffy had ever eaten, however, he did not spit them out instead he swallowed. At the same time, his swallowed he was startled when something large fell beside him. He looked over to see Shanks laying on the ground while the mountain bandit was screaming some nonsense about being worth 8,000,000 beli. Luffy immediately jumped up on the bar stool that he was sitting on and screamed at the bandits.

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