A God vs A Demon!

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Gan Fall and the remaining of Luffy's crew were currently staring up into the thunder cloud infested sky where Luffy disappeared into. Gan Fall had a bewildered look on his face because he had never seen anything like this before.

"I have never seen the heavens this angry before," he said in a whisper loud enough for everyone to hear him.

"It's not the heavens," Sanji replied before he lit a new cigarette.

"It's just our captain who is angry," Nami said. All of them were still standing around Robin and Chopper, who was still treating Robin's wounds.

"What should we do now, Nami?" Usopp asked as he turned his attention to their navigator. Nami thought about it for a while before she gave him her response.

"For now, we need to get the ship away from the Upper Yard," she said. Just as she said that a bolt of lightning came down from the sky and struck the sacrificial alter destroying it completely. Chunks from the destroyed alter were blown everywhere with some of them even heading in the direction of the ship. Sanji, Usopp, Ryuma and Gan Fall immediately sprang into action to defend the ship with Sanji kicking away some of the debris from hitting the ship, Usopp using his slingshot to shoot some of them out of the air, and Gan Fall using his javelin to stop a few of them and Ryuma to cut through the debris with his sword covered in arnament.

"Nami's right," Sanji said as he kicked another giant rock away. "We need to get out of here. heaven knows how much of is power Luffy is going to release," he said causing everyone to nod their heads in agreement.

"Chopper, you should take Robin inside," Nami said as he looked over to the little reindeer who was treating Robin's wounds.

"Aye!" Chopper replied before he transformed into his heavy point and pick Robin up bridal style and carried her inside. Sanji then walked over to the anchor and pulled it up from the cloud sea while Nami and Usopp untied the sails.

"We are going to have to use the Crow to push us because there is no wind around here," Usopp said before he walked over to the side and hopped onto the Crow. He rigged the small boat that Conis loaned to them to the back the Going Merry before turning on the dials causing the small ship to act as a propeller for the Going Merry. The crew then began sailing out of the Upper yard the same they came in. On their way out they were all startled when someone landed on the main deck. Thinking that it is an enemy they all quickly turned their attention to the spot where they heard the land with all their weapons drawn. However, they all relaxed when they saw that it was only Nojiko who was standing in the center of the main deck with her three-section stall around her neck.

"You all weren't planning on leaving me, here were you?" Nojiko asked with a smile. "Where is the rest of the guys?" she asked as she looked around and did not see Luffy, Zoro, Robin, or Chopper.

"That Enel guy attacked Robin; Chopper is treating her inside. Zoro hasn't returned yet and Luffy went to kill Enel," Nami explained.

"Is Robin alright?" Nojiko asked with a worried look on her face.

"She has some burns, but look to be good for the most part," Nami replied causing her sister to nod her head while getting out a sigh of relief at the same time. Nojiko then looked up at the sky before she chuckled.

"I take it Luffy is beyond angry," she said.

"That's putting it lightly," Nami, Sanji, Ryuma and Usopp replied simultaneously. The Merry then began its journey to exit the Upper Yard with the help of Gan Fall directing them.

**With Zoro**

Zoro was currently standing inside of a dome made of barbed wire like clouds along with 5 Shandorians, one of Enel's priests, 4 weird goat guys who work for Enel, a giant dog, and a giant snake. It had been a strange fight, to say the least. Every time Zoro was making headway against the priest he was either attacked by one of the Shandorians or by the dog. The only reason he is not heavily wounded is because of his observation haki. To be fair, he was not exactly taking things all that seriously after all he only had two of his swords drawn and he had not used his armament Haki yet. Currently, all the fighting had ceased due to that sky turning black with thunder and lightning flashing across the sky.

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