I Fall Apart

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"I don't need a goddamn thing from you" Slash said, holding himself up with the door as he looked at Y/n.

"Slash just listen-" Y/n said, getting cut off

"No! i won't fucken listen to you" Slash spat "Why- why the hell would i do that" He hiccuped

"Don't do this Slash" Y/n breathed out "It's not fair" She said, looking at his eyes as her eyes filled with tears.

Y/n had finally made the decision to go see Slash, she had made up her mind when Kirk called her asking when they were going to see each other again. She couldn't make her mind up on when, she liked Kirk, but she knew that no one, and she meant no one was ever going to compare to Slash.

"What's not fair is you fucking Kirk" He said, getting ready to shut the door.

Y/n pushed the door, letting herself into his house "You don't get to decide what's fair Slash" She sniffled, angrily "You out of all people don't get to do that"

Sobbing, she continued "You don't get to do this- not after everything you did to me". Slash looked at her, words being unable to come out of his mouth.

"Just please- listen" Y/n looked at him "please" She whispered.

"Okay" He whispered back

He led her to his couch, Y/n wanted to look around his place, he had gotten a new one since she'd been gone. But she couldn't, all she could focus on was Slash, the way he was stumbling as he walked with his bottle of JD in his hands.

They sat down, far apart from each other, Slash on one end and Y/n on the other.

"I don't get why you're so upset about the Kirk situation" Y/n said, Slash sucked in a breath, tensing up at the mention of him. "I could've moved on, i could've really, finally moved on" She breathed out, wiping her tears away. "And yet here I am" She let out a laugh, a sad laugh to where she finally gave up wiping away her tears cause they just wouldn't stop falling. "I couldn't do it Slash, no matter what you do, I could never truly leave you" She shook her head, looking down at her legs, then back up at him.

"I still love you" Slash said "I do- I just- I don't know what's wrong with me"

"Am I just not enough for you?" Y/n asked

"Y/n-" Slash said, getting cut off by an emotional Y/n

"Why did you do this to me?" Y/n asked "All i wanted was to be loved by you" she cried.

"I do- I do love you Y/n", "I don't know why i did this" He said, looking at the woman he loves fall apart right in front of his eyes.

"I don't feel it Slash, and I don't think I ever did" She said

"Is there even anything left for us?"

"I don't know"

AHHHHHH FINALLY A NEW CHAPTER!!!!!! oh my god thank you guys so much for being patient with me, it means so much!!!!! I'm so sorry i had you all waiting a buttfuck forever. Im starting to get my groove back so i hope i can now be more consistent with writing, love you all so so so much!!!!!! (also kinda drunk right now)

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