Whiskey in a Jar

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"Y/n!" A voice called behind the girl.

Y/n was sitting at the bar section at the Rainbow, JD bottle sitting in front of her, a cigarette in her hand. She turned around when she heard the voice call her name.

"Oh shit, Hey Kirk" She smiled at him, eyes following his movements.

He smiled as he sat next to her, "How've you been? You look good"
Y/n let out a laugh "I've been good" "You look pretty good yourself"
"Oh pretty good?" He raised his eyebrows "Try again"

Playfully rolling her eyes, a smile graced her face once again "You look very good Kirk" she emphasized "Good enough to eat"

"Eat huh?" Kirk said, his voice flirtatious.
Laughing, she pushed her bottle to him "Maybe"

Y/n and Kirk had never been like this towards each other, they really haven't spoken much either. The only time they do is when they catch each other and their bands at some festival or something. But they never had sent each other sexual glances, flirted with each other, or...

Leaning into him as Y/n laughed at some shit he had said, she sighed as she looked at him.

Kirk smiled as his eyes scanned Y/ns face, "I always thought you were so pretty"

Looking at Kirk with her 'Sexy but really just super drunk and horny' eyes, "Is that so?" she said, moving one of her hands to the back of his neck.
Lazily smiling, Kirk nodded his head before he leaned in.

Kirks warm lips lightly pressed into Y/ns, then looking into her eyes as their noses brushed against each others, he leaned back in, deepening the kiss this time.

The hand Y/n had on Kirks neck, moved up to his hair as she lightly pulled on it. Kirk groaned into her mouth, pulling away he asked "Wanna go back to my place?"

"Yea" Y/n smiled, breathlessly.

Walking out the club, Kirks arm was wrapped around Y/ns waist, that same hand touching down her thigh. Y/ns arms were wrapped around his shoulders as she playfully bit his ear.

Kirk smiled and turned to look at her, licking her lips before kissing them.

Laughing into the kiss, Y/n broke away from it as they made their way into Kirks car. (He had a personal driver okay😍)
Kirk opened the back door and let Y/n go in first, then sitting besides her.

Pulling her onto his lap, he reached to the cup holder in front of him, and pulled out a bottle of champagne.
Y/ns eyebrows raised, letting a little laugh out "Champane? Really?"
"Hey" Kirk said, opening the bottle "I get fancy sometimes"
Y/n laughed as Kirk put the bottle to her mouth, "Drink"

Filling her mouth with the it, Y/n grabbed Kirks face and opened his mouth, then tilted his head as she spilled it into his mouth.

Kirk swallowed then forcefully attached his lips back onto Y/ns, her arms wrapping around his shoulders.

One of Kirks hands slithered their way down to Y/ns thighs, getting closer and closer to where she needed him most.

Y/n let out a groan when she felt Kirks fingers brushing against her underwear.

Smiling against her mouth, Kirk moved Y/ns underwear to the side, rubbing two of his fingers in between her folds. "Open" He said, bringing his fingers which were covered in her slick, to her mouth.

Gently grabbing his hand, she used her tongue lick them first, then sucking on them.
"There you go" Kirk said, his voice deep and eyes full of desire.


Rubbing her eyes, Y/n sat up from where she was laying. Letting her eyes adjust to the sun, she looked around to where she was.

This must be Kirks room She thought, looking around at all the horror inspired things in his room. Reminds me of Slash

Her feet touched the ground, looking around the floor to find her clothes, eventually just throwing on a shirt she found. Remembering her clothes must be in the living room.

Kirk wasn't in the room when Y/n woke up, so she went downstairs, to see him making tea.

"Tea?" He asked, without looking back at her.
"Sure, yea" Y/n responded smiling at him when he looked back.
"I was waiting for you to wake up" Kirk said "You're a heavy sleeper"
"Am I?" Y/n asked
"Yea, i tried waking you up" He said "I thought you were dead for a moment"
Laughing, Y/n rolled her eyes "If you want me out just say that"

"No!" Kirk quickly said, "No" he laughed "They just showed something on tv that i thought you'd wanna see"
Y/n furrowed her eyebrows "What was it?"
Kirk nudged his head over to the Tv, Y/n turned her head to look. A few music topics, and...

Her and Kirk. Walking outside the club. Her and Kirk kissing. "Seems like these two metal guitarist are getting steamy huh?". The host said

Y/ns eyes widened "Holy shit"

"That's exactly what i said" Kirk laughed "Its all good though, people will forget about it by tomorrow"

"Can't believe we're the gossip topic for today" Y/n laughed in disbelief.

"Yea don't worry" Kirk pointed to the Tv again, "We're not the only ones"

Guitarist Slash and soon to be ex-wife Renee are getting divorced!

Y/ns heart dropped "Slash's getting divorced?" she mumbled
"I know right, Shortest marriage ever"
"Yea" Y/n said quietly "Hey look- i gotta go" She said, looking at Kirk.
"Why?" Kirk asked
"I- I forgot i had a studio session soon" Y/n said, getting up from the chair she was seated on.

"Oh, alright then" Kirk smiled "I had a good time last night"
Y/n paused, looking at Kirk "Me too" She smiled

"I'll see you another time?"
"Of course you will" Y/n smiled, waving to Kirk as he stood at his doorway.


Just started college and i might explode sorry for the slow updates guys i've been so stressed i literally have two anatomy quizzes this week please pray for me 😭😭🙏🙏🙏

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