Beggars & Hangers-on

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It had been two weeks. Two weeks since the last time Y/n and Slash had seen each other. Two weeks of Slash trying to get ahold of her, yet never being able to find her.

It was like she had suddenly disappeared, but to Slash's knowledge Alice hadn't been doing any shows as of late. And he knew she was still in LA. So where the fuck was she?

Three days after Slash had talked to Susan, he stood outside their door once again, knocking, but getting no answer. No one was home.

Five days later, Slash once again went over, knocking on their door, and this time Chris answered. He told Slash that Y/n didn't live with him and his girlfriend anymore, and when Slash asked where she was living now, Susan came up to the door and told him that she 'Couldn't disclose that information'. Slash knew that was a load of bullshit.

After six days he decided to suck it up and ask Duff about her, Duff saying he remembered talking to her a few days ago, but couldn't remember about what. This frustrated Slash to no end.

He eventually gave up, hoping that somehow, someway, the universe would do him a favor and let them stumble upon each other, like they always do.

The issue was, Slash couldn't focus. Well he could, but not in the way he always does. Even in the studio, he couldn't help but think about Y/n. He needed to see her, he needed to apologize, he needed to tell her he didn't mean to be such an asshole.

But now here he was, sitting on his couch as his manager attempted to drag him out to do a cover shoot for Guitar Mag.

"Comon Slash stop being a baby" His manager said, now becoming frustrated because they only had 20 minutes to get to the shoot.

"I don't see the point in going, there's always gonna be another cover to do." Slash grumbled.

Their manager, Allen, let out a frustrating sigh, "It won't be so bad, Duffs sister is gonna be there"
Slash's head shot up, "Y/ns gonna be there?"
"I told you she was, you both are gonna be on the cover" Allen rolled his eyes.

"Well alright then" Slash said, getting up from his couch, a small smile on his face, he owed the universe big time for this one.

"Alright well now we're just waiting on Slash" The photographer said after he finished setting up his equipment.

Y/ns head whipped to look at her manager "The fuck does he mean waiting on Slash" Y/n whispered to Susan.
"Look don't be upset" Susan whispered back
Y/ns eyebrows furrowed "You knew?"

"Well yea, i just didn't wanna tell you, i didn't want you to give up this shoot" Susan said, giving her an empathetic look, "I'm sorry Y/n"
Y/n sighed out, anger filling her stomach "It's alright Susan"

"Finally!" The photographer yelled out as he noticed a mop of curly hair walk through the door. "Are you both ready?" He asked
"Ready" Slash said, guitar in his hand.
Y/n's back was facing both Slash & the photographer as she took her guitar out of its case. "Yup"

The whole room in which the shoot was taking place in was filled with this awkward tension, especially once Y/n and Slash had to pose next to each other.

The photographer huffed, "Try not to be so tense. Why are you guys so tense? You guys are friends no?" He said all in once sentence.

Y/n had to stop herself from throwing herself out the window.

"Okay... you sit here" the photographer said, softly grabbing Y/n by her hand and sitting her down on an amp, that magically appeared onto the set. "And Slash you stand... rightttt here" He said, moving half of Slash's body behind Y/n. (if that even makes sense).

He took some photos of the two just holding their guitars, not even acknowledging each others presence. "Okay Slash, put your arm around Y/ns shoulder"

Y/n rolled her eyes as she felt Slash awkwardly put his arm around her, a frown setting on her face.

"Okay perfect! We got it" The photographer said. "Now you two go to the interviewer"

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows together, now they had to do an interview together?
She was gonna kill Susan, or herself, shit she might even kill Slash.

They both awkwardly sat next to each other, looking at the interviewer.
"Okay, state your names, and the bands you play in"
Slash cleared his throat "Slash, lead guitarist in Guns n' roses"
"Y/n, Alice in Chains" Y/n followed up.

"Slash, you play with Izzy Stradlin right? Rhythm guitarist of Guns" The man asked
"Yea- I do" Slash said
The man turned his head "Y/n what do you think of that?"
"Of what" Y/n said, lighting a cigarette
"Rhythm guitarist, would Alice ever consider having one?"
Y/n chuckled "Rhymist are cool, but no Alice would never have another guitarist."


"What is the preferred guitar you guys play with?"
Y/n answered this question first, "G&L Rampage, Blue Dress"
"1987 Les Paul" Slash sighed out, wishing this interview was over already.

The man asked them some more questions, some which were pretty interesting considering the fact Slash & Y/n are completely enthralled with their guitars. But they completely ignored each other the whole time.

They both went their own ways, but while Y/n was walking towards her car, Slash quickly walked up to her.

"Y/n" He said, sorta breathless.
Y/n cursed and closed her eyes, "What Slash"
"Y/n I want to apologize-" Slash said, getting cut off by Y/n turning around to face him.
"Apologize huh" She said, her words sharp

Slash cleared his throat "Yea" "I didn't mean-"
"You didn't mean to treat me like i was nothing, that what you wanted to apologize for, right?" Y/n said, closing her car door shut after she put her guitar in the backseat.
Slash stared at her for a moment "Why can't you just let me apologize?"

"Cause i know how this goes Slash" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, as if she was stating the obvious, "You apologize, and then you fuck up"
"This time it's different Y/n" Slash said
"Why?" Y/n said, feeling her throat close up "Cause this time you actually hurt me?"

"I know i hurt you" Slash said, looking down at his feet, "But i didn't mean to- And i know- i know i did but Y/n please- i wasn't- i wasn't thinking"
Y/n scoffed "You have no clue what your saying"

Slash lightly grabbed her wrist as she turned around "Give me a break Y/n- I'm- I'm fucken trying alright? This is me trying"
Y/n laughed, tears filling her eyes "There's no point in trying anymore"

A frown set on Slash's face, his heart slightly dropping "What are you talking about"
"I'm done dealing with you Slash" Y/n said
Slash panicked "You didn't even listen to what i had to say"
Y/n quickly wiped away tear "What? What is it that you have to say Slash?"

Slash stood there, his mouth open as he tried to say something, anything. He hoped at least a squeak would come out, but nothing did.

Y/n sniffed as took her hand away from his, getting into her car and driving off.


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