The Last A/N

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Hello people. This is the last chapter. This is supposed to be an A/N for season 4 but to end with "A/N for season 4" doesn't feel that special. So I put the last A/N. I just wanna say thank you for reading to this point. Thank you for all the support and for sticking with me through all of this. I know my writing is shit, and the way I tried to put Y/N and some history into the story of aot is shit, but thank you for getting this far. I will explain some stuff here as well. I put the last part with the 104th just to allow the characters to be happy. If I wasn't really thinking about that, I wouldn't have put that and just ended on the boy slipping, but I've had feedback from people on this site, and in person (yes I have friends in person who read this) and they just want a happy ending. So I gave a more happy ending, because the original ending of the boy kind of leaves a bittersweet feeling. I was also originally gonna add 2 endings, like you choose your own you want to be the ending for your version of the story. 

It was supposed to be, Y/N lives and goes with the boy, who is his descendant to the tree. Since he knows this scene, Y/N falls into the tree and appears in the paths. He talks to Ymir who was freed, but not fully. It was supposed to be like the hallucigenia was killed in the real world, but it continues to live in the paths as the coordinate. And once it reconnects with someone, the titans will reappear and Y/N, since he made his promise to Ymir, would have to take her place as the founder. But instead of doing this, Y/N thinks of a plan and goes to the coordinate and, goes into the past through the coordinate. Yes, he time travels into the past into Ymir's village. With the thought of changing everything, but he forgets everything from his past life and lives and dies, as the boy Ymir loved. So Y/N was supposed to be the reincarnation of that boy, and after everything he would go back and become the boy again, causing a cycle. But I thought that doesn't make sense so I didn't do it. That was a second ending I had planed.

Thank you guys for all the support again. Thank you for getting me to 50.2 thousand reads. That's more than I could have ever thought I would get too. I can't put this into words, but thank you. That's all I can say. Thank you for 1.7 thousand votes as well and all the comments you guys have left as of right now. This story has affected my life actually and it's all because of you guys. I can't express that enough, but thank you. For everything guys. Through all my writing blocks, and all the time I took, thank you guys for being here. I was also diagnosed with depression while writing this, but this book actually gave me a lot of support. So, thank you.

I will be going back and rewriting and fixing some of the earlier chapters and such that are very inconsistent, once I finish all of that I'll mark this as complete. So this will be the last new chapter that will come out, and the last time you'll hear from me in this book. Don't worry, this won't be my last book. I'm already writing another book but since it's not related to aot I won't put it here. So I have three choices for you guys, I'll choose which one after a while.

Reader x Annie: following the aot story mainly 

Reader x Pieck: same as the Annie x reader, following the main story

Reader x modern aot: whatever character you guys want, I can also try to do multiple like Mikasa x reader x Annie or some shit like that if you guys want

I'll try to do all three of these eventually but I'll let you guys choose first. I hope you guys enjoyed this book, and thank you for everything. I'll see you guys again. Bye.

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