The Interment Zone

637 21 14

Y/N Pov

After the operation with the warriors, we rode a boat back to the internment zone. Where the rest of them lived. Where all the Eldians in Marley lived. I haven't been here since I was immediately drafted into war. Once the ship docked we walked off as the warriors were wearing yellow armbands. I was given a yellow armband. 

"You're lucky to see the outside of the interment zone as an Eldian soldier Ulrich. Don't forget your privileges." Commander Magath said as we walked through the town. Everyone was looking at us. We eventually got to the actual interment zone which had large walls surrounding it. We entered through the front gate as the Eldians inside started greeting us with praise. That's nice. The warriors broke off from the group to go to their family as I walked with the commander back to the base in the interment zone. 

"This place is called Liberio. I'm sure you've heard about it. You'll be living here from now on, with the rest of the Eldians." Magath said as I nodded. Once we went into the base an officer greeted us as he had a white armband. 

"Commander Magath." The soldier said while saluting.

"Take Ulrich to his living quarters. I have work to do." Magath said as the soldier nodded before glaring at me. 

"Come here Eldian scum." The soldier said to me as we proceeded to walk back into the town. He brought me to a very small and dingy apartment.

"You're lucky to have your own living quarters. The rest of the soldiers have to live in barracks." He said he handed me the keys. He then left quickly. I opened the door as it was a very small house. A living room, kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. The kitchen was essentially in the living room as the bathroom was in the bedroom. There was a tiny chair and a small table in the corner with a chair. The bedroom had a tiny bed as the toilet was in the shower. I don't know why they did that but I guess to save space? There was also a letter on the table.

"Come to the training grounds tomorrow at six a.m. Do not be late." It was a letter from Magath telling me to go to the training grounds. He couldn't just tell me in person. Well... might as well get some rest.

Time Skip 

I arrived at the training grounds very early in the morning as I saw Magath looking over four kids running.

"Commander." I said as I walked over to the railing he was leaning on.

"Ulrich. You're early." He said as I nodded.

"Early is on time and on time is late." I said as he kept watching the kids running.

"You'll be training those kids. They are warrior candidates. They'll inherit the titans after the current warriors service is up." He said as I sighed. Training kids? This isn't what... I intended on doing. They don't have an instructor? After they finished running they came up the slope to where we were as there were two boys and two girls. They were all sweaty and exhausted.

"Commander." They all greeted Magath as he nodded at them. They all then relaxed.

"This is Ulrich Aoki (Just a random last name). He will be your instructor for a little bit. Treat him with respect." Magath said as one of the girls eyes shined for a second. She had brown hair that was tied in a ponytail as it seemed like she had just regained all her energy.

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