Battle For Shiganshina (Part 2)

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Y/N Pov

We all stood on top of the wall, waiting for orders as we watched the titans stand there, not doing anything as Reiner was preparing to climb the wall, hardening his fingers and feet. He started to run toward the wall as he started to climb up.

"Soldiers! You are not yet to engage the armored titan! Maintain a safe distance!"

"Yes sir!" Erwin ordered as Reiner climbed up quickly.

"Hange! Why doesn't he have us attack? What's he thinking?" Eren asked as Hange looked down at the armored.

"The enemy prepared quite the welcome. He's watching their movements for now. Erwin doesn't want to act until he understands their strategy." Hange explained as the beat titan slammed its hand on the ground and roared. Sending multiple small titans forward.

"Get ready! Multiple two to three meters approaching!" Hange said as they all rushed forward toward the town next to the wall. Reiner was now getting very close to the top.

"Dirk squad and Marlene squad too! Join Klaus and protect the horses at the gate! Levi squad and Hange squad! I need you to take down the armored titan! Employe the thunder spears at your own discretion! Do whatever it takes to achieve your objective! This is our moment! Our chance to strike! The fate of humankind depends on this battle! Lay down your hearts and lives! One final time for the fate of humanity!" Erwin yelled as all the squads went to their objectives. 

"Section commander Hange. Erwin has said that he wants to use Eren as bait to draw Reiner down away from the horses." Armin said as he stood in front of both of squad Levi and Hange.

"He wants to use Eren as bait?" 

"Yes. That was the commander's order." Armin said as Hange was confused.

"Hold on. So he's willing to risk Eren's capture for the horses?" 

"Your kidding. Even if we try it, Reiner might just go after the horses anyway." Mikasa said as Hange interjected.

"No. I'm sure he'll chase Eren. If Reiner does go after the horses then Eren can continue running North and wrap around the beast titans formation. With Levi, the scouts, and Eren they can catch the beast titan in a pincer attack. Erwin must have said as much himself right?"

"Uh yes." Armin said as Hange continued.

"Even if things don't go as we hope, they won't expect Eren to flee so it might confuse them enough to break ranks. The only question is can Reiner see that far ahead?" Hange asked as we all thought.

"Yes. He can work it out quickly enough." I said as Hange looked at me.

"Okay. This is where we'll bring down the armored titan!" Hange said as we were about to jump off the walls, Armin stopped us.

"Wait! There's still one more factor we need to consider. He's still hiding but Bertholdt must be near by. The last time they fought, Eren out maneuvered him and he was on the verge of defeat, but then Bertholdt caught him with a surprise attack. And he ended up their captive. This is a simple counter measure. It is to keep the fight away from the walls." Armin said as Hange nodded.

"Okay. Everyone commence the operation to take down the armored titan!" Hange said as we all jumped off the wall.

Reiner climbed all the way up the walls as he was now sitting on top of the walls. He was obviously planning to kill the horses, he was staring right at them. The bastard... Eren then transformed in the streets of Shiganshina as Reiner looked back at him. Eren then started to run toward the outer gate. Now we just had to hope Reiner would take the bait. Eren should have been their main objective, so Reiner wouldn't want to lose this chance. That was our plan. Reiner then jumped off the wall as he started to slide down the wall. Eren ran into the town square as Reiner followed. They slowly circled each other as Eren hardened his fists. We were all hiding behind some houses near by as we all watched the fight. Reiner rushed at Eren and attempted to punch him as Eren dodged as Reiner rushed at him again, Eren easily pushed him to the side before Reiner rushed him again, with Eren easily dodging the attack and delivering a powerful punch to his face, shattering his armor and sending him to the ground. Eren's titan then roared out in anger as Reiner recovered, we prepared the new thunder spears as we were all ready to attack. Reiner got up and rushed at Eren again as he dodged and pushed his back again, making Reiner off balance as Eren punched Reiner, which he blocked but sent him into a building as Eren kept going until it shattered Reiner's  defense and broke his armor on his face more. Reiner then rushed at Eren again and grabbed his leg, lifting him high into the air and then slamming him to a building before picking him up again and punching him in the face, back into the ground. Reiner stopped and moved back a little to let the dust clear as we saw that he barely missed Eren as he tried to hit him again, Eren managed to hold him back as he roared. Mikasa was about to move into help Eren as I stopped her.

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