The Beginning

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Y/N Pov

It was a nice sunny day, you lived in a small house in the forest close to the walls. You had just turned 10 so you were allowed to go out by yourself. You had H/L H/C and you were taller (or shorter) than most other kids.

"Mom. I'm gonna go out" You yelled through the house. 

"Ok Y/N. Be back by sunset" She said back at you, this being your cue that you could leave.

As you walked out you saw many of the wild life roaming around. You roamed around collecting, seeds, flowers, and fire wood. By the time you were done it was time to get back to your house.

 As you were walking back you heard a scream you recognized. As you started sprinting towards your house. When you opened the door you saw three men standing over your mom and your dad, blood pooling on the floor from his body.

 As your mom was whimpering, crying, she saw you peeking through the door, her eyes widened. 

"Run!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs while two of the men turned around to see you the third man quickly grabbed her by the throat, choking her.

You ran as fast as you could, faster than you ever have but you were a kid. As you were still running, one of the men grabbed your arm, making it so you couldn't run anymore.

"Let me go! What did you do to my parents" You yelled at the man as he looked at you and then just smiled, malice brimming his voice.

"Nothing." He said in a malicious tone. As the other man walked up to you with a more forgiving face before knocking you out.

Time Skip ----- Multiple hours later

Hours later you woke up in a small wooden cabin in a small room. You had a gag in your mouth and your legs and feet were tied up. You looked around and one of the men that kidnapped you were in the room. 

As you looked out the window you saw you were still in a forest although you didn't think you were in your old forest, you were able to recognize most of the trees and area around your house so you knew this wasn't the same place. 

As you were looking around you heard the door slam open with the two other kidnappers entered the room, holding a girl with long black hair, she was staring into the wall, looking traumatized and scared.

Time Skip Again ----- Some more hours later

You were laying there before you were picked up by one of the kidnappers, being brought into a different room so they could prepare you. You were put into a corner of the room being covered in spider webs, and dust. You managed to find a old rusty nail in the wall as you started cutting the ropes on your hands and feet on the nail.

You were still cutting the ropes and then you saw a boy that looked to be younger than you slightly open the door. 

"Oh I'm sorry" The boy said as one of the kidnappers went up to the door

"Don't move from that spot you little verman. How did you even find this place?" He said with anger in his voice.

"Well I was i-in the woods and got lost." It sounded like he was crying as he continued while the kidnapper looked back. "I saw your cabin and" the boy was cut off by the kidnapper, I wanted to yell at him, scream and tell him to run, run far away from this place, after that you managed to get out of the rope and quickly and quietly went to the door trying to signal for the girl to look at you.

She eventually saw you and kept looking at you as the other man just looked at the man at the door talking to the little boy, you looked around the room you were in, finding a wood axe as you grabbed it, it was a little heavy but you managed. Hiding back behind the door.

"Lost in the woods huh. A kid shouldn't be out there should they." The kidnapper said while patting the boys head. "Big bad wolves are out there and they will pounce on you. Don't worry you'll be safe here. My buddy and I will be happy to take... " I saw the boy draw a knife from his back and place it on the man's throat "I appreciate that sir, but I'm not stupid." The boy said with anger.

"And I'm the last thing you'll ever see." He said that as he slit his throat. Slowly closing the door as the other man yelled. As he got closer to the door you rushed through it with the axe stabbing the side of his head with the axe, killing him instantly.

As the boy just walked in the room now seeing you there with the axe as you quickly got up going to the girl and cutting her ropes with your axe.

You turned around to the boy and said "There was a third one so stay close to me." as you turned around and grabbed the axe

As the boy turned around in surprise to the third kidnapper looking at the both of you in surprise which turned to anger. As he kicked the boy in the stomach. "This is all your doing isn't it" he said as went toward you, with you not being strong enough to swing the axe fast enough, he grabbed you and started choking you and the boy tried to attack him he kicked him to the side. Answer me you pieces of shit!"

"You did this!"  he said as you looked at the girl with sorrow. "Sor-ry" You said while being choked as she just looked at you and then grabbed the knife behind her. 

"Es-cape. You ha- have to esca..." You said before your arms dropped to the side, you barely being able to keep your eyes open before you heard the floor boards sounded like they cracked and then you felt the hands around your neck drop as you looked up you saw the girl with the knife standing there.

She then dropped the knife and looked in fear at what she did.

A little later you were all outside as what you thought was the father of the boy you learned was named Eren scolding him as some soldiers with horse signs on their jackets came to you.

"Do you want to come with us?" one of them asked as you just nodded as he signalled him to follow you, you did and then got on his horse, going into a small town.

I Will Protect You (Mikasa x Male reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ