The Female Titan (Part 1)

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Y/N Pov

It was the day of the operation to capture Annie. I was with Eren, Armin, and Mikasa with our hoods up. We saw her at the gates where the MP's commander Nile Dawk and more people were entering. As she passed by as Armin called out to her from our alley.

"Annie. Hey. You're one of the Military Police now, aren't you?" Armin said as I was with him.

"Armin, Y/N... why are you dressed like that?"

"I'm a pack bearer. We have our Maneuver Gear hidden under our rain coats." Armin said showing his, as he was only provided with one, I wasn't because of my injury.

"What's going on?" Annie asked as Armin lifted his hood.

"Annie, would you assist us in helping Eren escape?" I said from behind Armin as she looked at me, than down saddened for some reason.

"Escape where? If you disobey the monarch, where will you go inside these walls?"

"We'll just hide. We don't intend on fighting the monarchy. It will be reported as a rebellion from a portion of the Survey Crops. It'll buy time. Time we'll spend to find reasonings against the other factions at the tribunal. And we'll find it." I told her hoping that would convince her.

"Enough reasoning? Is something so convenient just laying around? What's your evidence?" She asked me as I looked straight at her while she was looking at Armin.

"We can't tell you."

"Sorry, but I can't help. I won't tell anyone but you'll have to do it on hour own."

"Annie! Please! Spineless people who only care about themselves will get Eren killed! If he gets killed, humanity will be on the path to self-destruction! I know we can't convince you. But even so, I have to make a bigger wager! Of course, we'll do our best to avoid causing you trouble, but to get through the checkpoints in Wall Sina, we need Military Police help! This is the only way." Armin said in a last attempt, as Annie looked at him and then me.

"Armin, do I really look like such a good person to you?"

"A good person? Well I don't really like that term. Because to me, it just seems to mean someone who's good for you. And I don't think there's any one person who is good for everyone. So if you don't help us, then to me you're a bad person right?"

"Annie, please." Me and Armin attempted one last time. After some time she took her gun off her shoulder and looked at us.

"Fine. I'm in." We than walked out of the alley way and met up with Eren and Mikasa, and we started heading for the underground tunnel. 

"That's was easier than I thought it would be." Eren whispered us, I was next to Mikasa in the back, with Armin in the front with Annie and Eren in the middle. Mikasa shushed Eren, but he continued.

"That's the Military Police for you. You can see how hard they work every day. Let's just hope they won't find out that Jean's taken my place. That won't last long, though we don't even look alike at all."

"It's fine. Both of you look like criminals, with the same nasty look in your eyes." Armin said looking back as we continued.

"I doj't have a horse face like him."

"Hey, if I hand't helped you, how did you plan on getting over the walls?" Annie interrupted Armin and Eren as she also looked back.

"I was going to use my odm gear to get over." Armin said as Annie than looked forward.

"That's insane. Wouldn't it be easier to escape before you reached Stohess? Why here? And why now?"

"I felt that the complicated layout of this city would give us a better chance at swapping Eren with Jean. And I thought pretending to go along with it, rather than an out right opposition, would prevent suspicion and buy our escape more time." Armin lied to Annie as we got closer.

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