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Y/N Pov

"Eren, what are you doing here?" I asked as Eren had rung my doorbell.

"I expected you to be here. You failed." He said as I sighed.

"I know I did. But we still have one more chance."

"This means there will be more bloodshed." Eren said as he looked down at his hands.

"More blood to get on my hands." He said as he finally looked up at me.

"I need your help." He said eventually as I was confused.

"With what?"

"To get into the military as well."

"Like a high ranking officer or-"

"Just a normal soldier." Eren cut me off.

"You just need to sign up. I can accelerate your training I guess. I could try that." I said as I let Eren come into my tiny apartment.

"How was the meeting."

"They hate us. The Eldians from Paradis. They believe the same thing as everyone else. We need to all be wiped out." Eren explained as I sighed.

"I expected that. They had a meeting before. I went with the warriors and they said that basically." I said as there was a pause between us.

"There was this kid, Ramzi. I saw him in my visions. He's from the refugee camp." Eren eventually said as I looked at him. Eren then started crying out of nowhere.

"I saw him get trampled. Turn into a bloody puddle. I don't want to kill him. I don't want to kill anybody. They're not bad people. I just want to protect all of you guys. I don't want you guys to go through hell." Eren said as his tear drops hit the ground.

"I don't know if I can go through with it. The Rumbling." Eren said.

"You won't Eren. We'll find another way." I said as he looked up at me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I said as he nodded. 

"We better get moving. The earlier the better." Eren said as he stood up. I followed him out the building as we walked to the military base in Liberio.

"Are you sure about this Eren? You don't have to do this. You can go back." I said as he shook his head.

"No. This needs to happen." He said as we eventually got to the base. We walked into Commander Magath's office. To get Eren into the army. I bowed upon entering as Eren did the same.


"Ulrich. What do you need." Magath said as he looked at me and Eren.

"One of my friends has recently traveled to Marley and he wants to join the army. I've come to introduce him and see if he can join." I said as I kind of fumbled my words. I didn't know what to say really.

"I trained with him. He is skilled."

"And who is this person?"

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