Levi Squad

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Y/N Pov

I was on my horse named H/N (horse name). I was riding with Levi squad along with Eren. I was assigned to this squad because of the statement that I was the back for if Eren went berserk. We were riding for hours through a forest as I saw a castle ahead. It looked old.

"An architectural marvel don't you see? A proper royal residence once upon a time and more recently, our headquarters." The guy named Oluo was talking as he road in the front. 

"Fancy yes, but absurdly impractical don't you see. Once the scouts got into business. Much much to far from either river or wall." He continued as the girl galloped up to my side.

"Hi I'm Petra, I know we met but could you remind me your name?" She said as she smiled at me as I just looked at her.

"Y/N." I said blankly as she looked forward, Oluo was still talking but I wasn't paying attention.

"Okay. Thanks." She said as she galloped in front of me next to another guy I think named Eld?

I saw Oluo slow down next to Eren as he whispered something very loudly.

"Do not be deceived green horn."

"Ex-Excuse me?" Eren replied confused as he continued.

"Don't be expecting the royal treatment, whether you're titan or human don't imagine for a second we all share the good captains kindness." He said as he looked back at me.

"And you. I don't even know why you're here, but if a titan grabs you, don't expect us to hel-" He continued going forward and his horse stepped on a rock, causing him go forward and he bit his tongue hard, drawing blood. I chuckled as the rest of Levi squad did to as he screamed in pain.

Me and Eren were tending to the horses, he was feeding them while I was cleaning the stable I over heard Petra and Oluo talking.

"Thats what you get for talking so much on horse back."

"The rookies needed to know their place, first impressions are very important."

"You made some first impression there."

"Indeed so. Our exchange went exactly as planned." 

"What um- happened to you, you never used to talk like this. I mean, its really non of my business but if you're trying to act like the captain, its kind of embarrassing. You and Levi are less alike if you had been born a different species. I would say Y/N acts more like him than you do."

"What!? That brat probably hasn't killed a single titan."

"Like the first mission you went on. All you did was scream and get saved."

"Hey! We don't talk about that!" Oluo basically yelled as Eren stood up and looked at all the Levi squad.

"Hey brats. Grab a broom and get to work in the castle." Levi said as he walked up to us before walking away. Petra just signed as Oluo stood up.

"That doesn't discount you brats, hurry up." He said before walking to the castle. My mom thought me how to clean, cook and many other household things so I was pretty clean I think. I was given a broom and told to clean the dining room floor while everyone else worked on the living room area.

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