The Female Titan (The Plan)

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Y/N Pov

I was awoken by a ton of yelling and screaming that I heard. My left eye was rapped and there was a bandage a long my chest. I was laying next to Eren, with Mikasa sitting on the side of the cart.

"Y/N don't try to move. You're injured, rest." Mikasa said quietly to me as I tried to get up but it hurt a lot.

"Give us some answers damn you!"

"How many lives were lost!"

"Was this mission worth it!"

Everyone was yelling at us as I looked over to see Eren crying and Mikasa looking down saddened. Everyone there lost their hope.

Time Skip ——- Next Day

It was night time and I was making my way to the dining area in the scout base. I was put in the infirmary for most of the day because I had seven broken ribs, and my eye gash. But I was ordered by Erwin to be there for some reason so I was walking there. It slightly hurt to walk but I worked out this morning so I was fine. I walked into the dining area to see Levi and Eren talking alone. The area felt different without the Levi squad there.

"What's the hold up? Erwin's never late." Levi stated blankly as I took my seat next to Eren.

"At this rate the damn MP's will show up first."

"Sir why am I here?" I asked the captain as he didn't even look at me.

"I don't know. Ask Erwin." Levi then finished his tea and was about to get up before he stopped and rubbed the side of his leg in pain.

"It's my fault sir. If I had thought this through none of this would have happened. We wouldn't..." Eren said as he looked down.

"You made a judgment call, no one expects you to be clairvoyant." Levi said as the door creaked open, revealing Erwin, Jean, Armin, Mikasa, and a couple other scouts.

 "Sorry to keep you waiting." Erwin said as me and Eren stood up but I saluted a little wobbly.

"Sir. Why are you here?" Eren asked as Erwin looked at him seriously.

"We believe we have uncovered the female titan's true identity. She won't slip away this time." Erwin said as Armin and Jean rolled a map of the Stohess district on the table.

"The day after tomorrow, we will be passing through Stohess district on route to the capitol. That's when we'll strike. It will be our first and only chance to do so. Once we step into the interior the government will assume custody of Eren and the scouts ability to continue operations will be limited. Thus, unless we wish to concede defeat, we must flush out the enemy now. So here's what we do. While in Stohess, we use Eren as bait, luring the target into this underground passage. The deeper the better, get her deep beneath street level. With that done she should be easily immobilized even in titan form. If she transforms before she reaches the tunnel, well at that point she'll be your responsibly Eren."

"Right, so we know she'll be in Stohess and she'll bolt before we get there?" Eren asked confused as Erwin responded.

"No. She won't risk going a wall."

"Wait you mean she's-"

"Armin here identified her. She's an MP, likely responsible for the deaths of Hange's test subjects. And a fellow trainee in the 104th cadet core." Erwin said looking at Armin than back at Eren. Both me and him were surprised but I was able to keep my composure.

"You can't be serious? I trained with her?"

"I'm sorry but yes. She's one of us."

"No. It can't be." Eren said starting to lose his mind.

"Her name is Annie Leonhart."

"You think it's Annie? Where's the evidence? Tell me." Eren said slowly and creepily as I just looked down.

"Clearly, she knew what you looked like before she attacked. Plus, she reacted to my use of your 'suicidal maniac' nickname. Something only our classmates would know. But the biggest reason I suspect her is that she killed Sawney and Bean. Killing two titans at once would take a precision odm strike. It only makes sense that the killer would have used the gear they were most familiar with." Armin said as Eren looked confused.

"But there was that whole equipment inspection. Annie's totally checked out."

"Except, the gear she presented, it wasn't hers. It was Marco's."

"I don't understand. What's Marco got to do with all of this." Eren asked even more confused.

"It's unclear."

"Maybe you need your eyes checked."

"Eren it was-"

"Okay we get it. Do you have anything else on her. Concrete evidence." Levi asked interrupting them as Armin looked over.

"Nothing sir."

"There is the fact is she looks like the female titan." Mikasa chimed in as Eren got frustrated.

"What the hell is wrong with you. What kind of evidence is that."

"Wait. Now that I think about it, Eren, she fought like her. Her kicks and punches had the same form as Annie. Especially that last kick that took you out. It was the same she always did." I said now believing more of what they were saying as Eren got even more frustrated.

"You're kidding me right. What if it's not her. Hat if she's not the monster you all say she is."

"If it isn't her she'll be clean."

"No one wants to condemn her, least of all me. But either we make move on circumstantial evidence, or we let the government condemn you." Armin said looking up a Eren determined.

"Do you even hear yourself, you're talking about Annie."

"Eren, don't stand here and tell me this conversation isn't ringing any bells. All the evidence we have brought up leads up to her. It's Annie, you know it is."

"Commander, what part do I have in this, I'm injured." I asked the commander as he looked at me.

"Annie was observed showing more trust in you and taking more liking to you during training."

Flashback ——- During Training

"Come on guys, you don't have to fight." Armin said as ai was facing off with Mikasa during dinner.

"Armin shut up, it's his fault." Mikasa said with angered as we glared at each other.

"No. Fight me, not him. I will take his place." Annie said stepping in front of me and looked back at me, showing a small smile before looking back at Mikasa who rushed at her.

End of Flashback

"She trusts you more than anyone in the room. You will go with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. You do not need to engage in combat." Erwin said to me as I looked up.

"Yes sir." I said simply before he dismissed us.

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