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I woke up as sun rays fell on my face. I turned to the side, to find a note on the pillow beside me. Expected.

Good morning Angel
I'll come to pick you up for college.

I smiled at the note and sent him a good morning text. Today was the first day I was going to college after whatever happened. It's been two weeks since Dhruv held me captive, and ever since then, every night Manik sneaks into my room and goes out before everyone's waking time.

I know he is scared to leave me alone after all that. That night, Dhruv was going to push me out of the edge of the terrace when Manik and others came. When Manik and Abhi were trying to distract Abhi so that the police could reach out to me, he noticed them and then started moving backwards more quickly. To save me, the police shot at Dhruv's legs so that he is immobilized.

As he was shot, his grip on me loosened and Manik took me in his arms. I don't know what happened next, because as soon as I felt Manik's arms around me I passed out.

I woke up hours later and everyone told me what happened then.


My eyes felt heavy to open, my head was also aching.

"Slowly Angel, I'm here. You're safe, just open your eyes slowly," I could hear Manik's voice.

I did what he said and as I opened them, the first thing I saw were Manik's worry filled eyes. He had covered my face with his palms and was standing in such a way so that his face shielded mine. He slowly backed out and I realized that it was to protect me from that instant blare of lights.

"Manik," I croaked out.

"Here." He slowly made me drink water and then helped me sit up.

"You wait here, I'm just going to call the doctor."

He walked out the room, and I noticed that I was in a hospital. But why? I tried recalling that Dhruv had just slapped me, and banged my head on the wall when I tried fighting him. After that, I started feeling dizzy and I felt him dragging me somewhere, I wanted to fight, but I was almost loosing consciousness. He had hit my head hard.

Manik walked back in with the doctor, who checked me up.

"Miss Murthy, you had a concussion from the blow on your head. You're good to go back home, but I would advise you to take a complete rest. No mobile phones, no tv, no loud music, and definitely less activities. After that you'd be good to go. I'll prescribe some painkillers if you have severe headaches."

"Doctor can she go back home right now, or does she have to stay here?" Manik asked.

"No, no. You all can take her back home. If you'd excuse me, I'd go outside and inform your family."

Manik nodded and then turned to me. He caressed my cheeks. His eyes were welled up.


And the next moment I knew he hugged me tight, hiding his face in my neck. I could feel some wetness there, and I could tell he is crying. I didn't say anything, just held him, which made him hold me tighter.

He broke the hug after sometime and cupped my face.

"Never ever do this to me again. You get that?"

"But what did I do?" I asked innocently and he glared at me.

"I can't live without you, you know that right?"

I nodded and kissed his cheeks.


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