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We all were seated inside the court. I was holding on to Manik's hand like my life was depending on it. He was drawing circles on my hand with his thumb, and I was focusing on only that. My father will soon be brought in. I was petrified, thinking about seeing him in a few moments.

"I'm here, we all are here, just try to calm down," Manik whispered in my ears.

Just then, I saw my father being brought by the police officers. He looked so different. And when his eyes met mine, there was so much anger there. Anger directed at me. The person who was being led, looked exactly like someone who murdered Mom, not my Dad.

He has changed so much. There was no softness, no guilt in his eyes. He looked like a stranger whose eyes were filled with only anger. Gone was the tenderness and warmth.

I some how hoped that maybe he would be regretting his deed now. But no. The person standing next to me didn't look guilty at all.

I was so much into thoughts that I didn't know where the time passed. Manik nudged me, and I jumped, coming out of my bubble.

"Relax, they are going to announce his punishment now," he whispered quietly, entwining our fingers.

"The court declares Mr. Raman Murthy guilty of murdering Mrs. Ishita Murthy. He is sentenced to serve a life long imprisonment. The case is closed."

With wobbly legs I stood up and Manik held me from the waist steadying me. It was all over. He has been given the punishment. The officers were leading him outside, when he stopped infront of me, his eyes showed so much violence, that I shivered and took a step back. Manik held me protectively in a side hug while all our friends came behind me for support.

"You also are just a bitch like her," he said and spat.

Before Manik or anyone could react, the police started dragging him away.

Manik turned towards me and cupped my face. "You're safe. Nothing's gonna happen to you. He's gone."

I hugged him tightly. He was the only thing that was keeping me sane right now. Seeing him this way triggered so many memories of that night. His eyes were the same as they had been that night. There was hatred in there.

Today finally helped me sink the feeling that my Dad was really dead. The person I saw today was no where similar to my Dad.

Manik was leading me out when I heard their voice, making me shiver.

"You must be so happy na seeing your father rotting in jail because of you. You're just an ungrateful bitch like your mother who-"

Abhi cut them off. "Shut the fuck up. Not a word against my sister. You guys have got your brother's company, now stay the hell away from my sister."

"So what if she transferred the company to my name, because of her my brother is in the jail. I won't let her live in peace ruining my brother's life," Chacha said and walked off.

I could feel Manik tensing up and getting angry. I know he was controlling himself because he had me in his arms and I needed his support.


"Yes Angel. You want something?"

"Can we go home?"

"Yes we are on our way only na."

"No. Home. Mumbai."

He nodded at me pecking my forehead. "Abhi, can we leave today?"

"Yes, yes. I had booked today's tickets only. I knew she won't like to stay here after this."

We returned back home to pack our stuff. Everyone was silent because they were worried for me. When we reached, I straight away went to my room and started packing. I heard the door open and saw Manik coming in. I looked up at him and he smiled.

He made me sit on the bed and then kneeled in front of me.

"Are you okay Angel?" he asked cupping my face. There was so much softness in his voice, that it broke my resolve to stay strong.

I crashed into him and started crying. Seeing him finally made it sink that yes Dad murdered Mom, and he doesn't regret his actions. That it was not a mistake. He intentionally did that. To think that he was the same man who would bring us flowers and gifts was unimaginable. There was no softness in his eyes seeing me after so long. Just anger. That man was not my Dad.

Manik didn't say anything, just kept on soothing my hair and letting me cry. He repositioned us so that he was sitting on the bed leaning on the wall, while I was in his embrace. After a long time, when I'd cried my heart out, he cupped my face and placed a deep kiss on my head.

"I'm here and I'll always be here. This chapter of your life is over now, and now there'll only be happiness. You have your Mom living inside you. And you have the good memories of your Dad. That's enough. The man we met wasn't your Dad, but the man in your memories, he's still there, in those untainted memories. You have your Mama who may not be your real Dad, but isn't less than one. You have your Mami, who loves you like a mother loves her daughter. You are her only daughter. You have Abhi and Cabir, they are your brothers. Cabir may not be your brother by blood, but you are his choti. And Abhi is your brother who won't back down to fight with anyone if you're hurting. You have Sid and Navya as your best friends, who always have your back. And you have me, in whatever way you want me. I'll be whatever you need me to be. And all of us, every one of us would protect you with their lives. You're precious to all of us. And for me? You're my everything. You have a family. You're not alone."

I pressed a kiss to his cheeks. "I'm so glad that I found you."

He smiled and pressed a kiss on top of my head while taking me in a hug.

He was right. I'm not alone. I have my people around me. I have Mom's memories and memories of my Dad, the one who would do anything to make me smile. That was enough. He wasn't the man I saw today. And I don't need that man in my life. He was just my Mom's murderer. I have my Dad in my memories. That's it. I don't need anyone else. It's time for me to close the chapter of my past, and begin a new life, with full zeal.

Thank you for reading :)))

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