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I woke up to Manik's text. Yesterday whatever he told me about Neyonika Aunty broke my heart. He doesn't deserve it. But I guess, when you lose someone that close to your heart, it changes you.

Good morning Angel. Today I'd like to be the one who took you to college. I'll be there by 7:30. If Abhi is giving you grief over it or acting over smart, just call me. I'll handle him.

He wanted me to ride with him to college. I glanced up at the mirror across from my bed and saw the smile on my face. It was a real one. The one old Nandini used to always have on her face. The one that screamed excitement and hope.

Standing up, I walked over to the mirror, then reached out and touched the girl there. She was older than the one I once knew. Her eyes held more strength and maturity. But she was happy. That was familiar.

I held the jar of fireflies. "You'd like him Mom," I whispered to them. "He's wonderful. He's reviving your Nandini back."

She would have wanted me to tell her everything about him. She'd squeal with me when I told her how he made me feel. She would listen to me talk about him and not get bored. She hadn't been just my mother, she was my best friend. When she would have met him the first time, she would have given him the third degree grill along with Sid, but then she would have warmed up to him. Knowing that Manik would make her happy made me feel even more complete. The emptiness that had become a part of me, wasn't so empty. Manik was filling it.

Mami's voice that breakfast was ready reminded me that I have to hurry. I wanted to let her know that I was going with Manik today. It was his game day, and I wanted to surprise him by showing support to his game.

I've seen many people wearing jerseys on the day of the game to show support to the team. I also wanted to do that. Now I just wanted Abhi to lend me one of his jerseys. I hope Manik likes my surprise.

Fifteen minutes later I was dressed and headed to the kitchen. I had texted Abhi if I could borrow a jersey from him. He agreed and said he'd bring it to the kitchen for me. I also had a note in my hand to inform Mami I was going with Manik to college today.

When I got there Abhi was eating his breakfast. He was wearing the blue jersey that he should be wearing for the game tonight. Beside him was another blue jersey, but it looked like it had been worn more.

"Here you go. You can wear my last year's jersey," he said, a grin tugging at the corner of his lips.

Did he think it was silly for me to wear it? I and Navya had often worn Sid's jersey to show support for basketball there. I can wear Abhi's jersey to show support. I was his sister. This way I could show support for both Abhi and Manik. Where was I wrong?

"Good morning, baccha. Come, here's your breakfast." Mami paused and looked at the white tank top I was wearing. "Umm, you're wearing just this for college beta?"

"Oh no Mom. She's wearing my old jersey today."

Mami's eyes lit up, and she smiled. "Aww! Isn't that so sweet Abhi?"

Abhi continued to look like he was gonna burst in laughter any moment.

"Sure is Mom," he managed to say before eating another bite.

I decided to ignore him and went to slip the jersey on before handing my note to Mami. She read it then smiled softly. "Sure cupcake. That's fine. I expected this."

Relieved, I sat on my chair and started my breakfast.

"What did you expect?" Abhi asked.

"That she'd start going to college with Manik soon."

Abhi smirked.

"So Manik's coming to pick you up."

I nodded.

Abhi was being weird, so I decided to ignore him. I was excited about going to college with Manik. I was excited about him seeing me in a jersey of his sport.

The doorbell rang, and I knew it was Manik. I hurriedly finished off the juice left and took my dishes to the sink. While Abhi went to open the door.

I came out of the kitchen. Manik smiled as our eyes met. Then his smile faltered as he took in what I was wearing. "You're wearing Abhi's jersey," he said.

Abhi let out a snicker, before he covered his mouth with his hand and went up the stairs. Why was he laughing? He's acting weird since morning. Have I done something wrong?

Manik's arm went around my waist, and he took my bag with his other hand as glared after Abhi.

"Let's go," he sounded a bit pissed.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked, feeling sick to my stomach. I just wanted to make Manik happy. But his smile is gone, probably because of something I did.

He didn't reply as he opened his back seat door and put my bag in. He then opened the gate for me to settle in. As I took a seat, he closed my gate and then got himself seated from the other side.

Once we both were seated and were at eye level, he leaned in to kiss me. It wasn't the sweet, tender kiss I was used to, but it was just as good. I felt like he was marking me and trying to drink me in all in that one kiss. He had me clinging to him and melting against him by the time he pulled away.

"You can't wear Abhi's jersey," he said.

If I couldn't wear Abhi's jersey, then why was he taking me to college like this?

"Okay, give me five minutes. I'll just go and change," I said while turning to open the car door.

He locked the car instead. "Buckle up."

I was confused. Still I did as he told and he started driving towards the college. I waited for him to explain about the jersey. But he never did.

The five minute drive to our college was short, and I wanted to know why I couldn't wear Abhi's jersey. I started to open my mouth as I saw Manik driving past the parking lot, towards the field house.

Was he going to make me take it off and leave it in there? I couldn't wear the tank top underneath this to college. I won't feel comfortable that way.

"What are we doing?" I asked him as he got out of the car and came to my side opening my door.

When I came out of the car, he took me in a kiss again. "We're going to fix your jersey," he said. Then he took my hand, and we walked inside the field house.

It was deserted at this time of the morning. Manik took me past a row of lockers, then stopped when he got to the large ones at the end. I saw his last name written above a locker, right before he opened it.

He took out a neatly folded jersey from inside it. "Change into this one," he said and turned and his back to me.

He was giving me his jersey. My heart rate picked up as I quickly took off Abhi's jersey and wore Manik's.

"I'm good now."

He turned to look at me. He held me by my waist and tugged me closer to him. He peppered kisses all over from my forehead and my eyes, before cupping my cheeks and covering my mouth with his in a deep kiss. He kissed me passionately till we were out of breath. When we finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine.

"Just my jersey, Angel. No one else's. Ever. I don't want anyone's jersey touching you except mine. Keep this one. Wear it any time you want. But don't ever put Abhi's on again."

I nodded and gave him a smile before kissing his cheeks. That is why Abhi was being weird. He knew that Manik will get possessive over this.

He grinned. "My girl. My fucking jersey."

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