Chapter 29

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Alternative Ending 2

Peat, Phai and Phayu froze when they saw Rain pointing the knife he was holding to his own neck. None of the three dared to move because they were afraid that if they moved even a little, without a doubt rain would immediately stab a knife into his necks. Seeing the reactions of the three of them who looked shocked and disbelieving made Rain laugh loudly again.

"HAHAHAHHAA... what a beautiful expression, really beautiful expression... the fear... the anxiety and worry that are so clearly displayed on your faces... somehow it makes me very happy... I really like your expression right now... I wonder What kind of expression would you show if I really stab this knife into my neck?" said Rain as he slowly stabbed the knife into his neck. Peat, Phai and Phayu stared at Rain in horror.

"rain" Phayu said weakly with his pale face, Phayu could see blood starting to flow from his neck. The same expression is also shown by phai and peat.

"Ahhhaa.. but it wouldn't be interesting if I immediately stab this knife into my neck.. right?" said Rain as he lowered the knife from his neck. Peat, Phayu and Phai breathed a little easier when Rain started to lower the knife from his neck. But that feeling of relief didn't last long when Rain started swinging his knife again.

"What if i do this?" Rain said casually as he swung the knife at his arm which made his arm immediately bleed.

"RAIN" shouted Phai, Phayu and Peat together. Peat, Phai and Phayu wanted to run to stop Rain's actions but Rain again slashed his arm which made the three of them stop their movements. Even though blood was starting to ooze from his arms and hands, Rain didn't show any pain on his face at all. Rain instead looked at the blood that came out in complete amazement.

"Ahhh... it's been a long time since I saw this beautiful color... and this tickling sensation... I really miss it," said Rain with a smile.

"Rain... I beg you please stop this..." said Peat, Rain looked at Peat sharply.

"Why?... Don't you also like this, peat??... You also did the same thing as me before," said Rain coldly. Phayu and Phai immediately looked at Peat who was biting his lower lip.

"Oh... sorry, it wasn't you who did it, it was Sky, right?" added Rain again. Peat couldn't refute Rain's words.

"Both me and Sky... to reduce the pain in our chest... we both always do this, right?" said Rain.

"," said Phai, not believing that Peat also often hurts himself.

"I...." Peat couldn't say anything.

"But really... this comfortable feeling can't make me turn around to stop it," said Rain, smiling.

"Rain.....please...stop all this, I will do whatever you want as long as you want to stop this" Phayu begged again, hoping that Rain would listen. Rain looked at Phayu coldly.

"I told you before.... whatever you do... won't be able to make the pain I've felt until now disappear... I really love you Phayu... really love you, I think you and I will be happy together. After finally feeling sad and empty that I felt because I lost both of my parents... I found something that made me happy again... but apparently, you destroyed everything... destroyed all my dreams and hopes, even though I repeatedly begged and asked you to stop everything. you know how broken my heart was when you didn't believe me... do you know how hurt I was when you raped me many times no matter how much I begged for your forgiveness... and do you know how sad I was when you said... I must die .. Do you know that ?..." said Rain. Phayu couldn't say anything.

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