Chapter 14

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"Bastard.. what are you doing phai" Phayu screamed when phai without warning punched him in the face right when sky closed the door of their room.

"That should be my words asshole, what did you do to Rain" Phai snapped back.

"If I knew you did that to Rain, I wouldn't help you looking for Rain and Sky," shouted Phai again, Phayu was silent.

"Bastard... jerk... jerk... what's in your brain, no wonder Sky and Rain disappeared for 5 years without a trace. It turns out that everything was because of you, Phayu. I've always wondered why they were so hard to find, if only because Rain betrayed you, bastard " phai still continues to shout at phayu . So far, Phayu only said that Rain betrayed him without knowing that because of Rain's betrayal, Phayu tortured Rain physically and mentally.

"I just..." Phayu wanted to defend himself but before Phayu finished saying what he said, Phai glared at Phayu.

"Don't tell me you did all that because you imitated Uncle Vegas when he interrogated Uncle Pete?" Phayu was silent, Phai widened his eyes in disbelief.


"SORRY IF I DON'T HAVE A BRAIN... SORRY IF I WAS A BASTARD BUT I DIDN'T THINK THAT MY DOING WOULD HAVE A BIG IMPACT FOR RAIN AND SKY... I JUST THOUGHT IF EVERYTHING WOULD BE OKAY LIKE PA AND DAD" said Phayu who was not accepted phai swearing to him, phayu admits that he was wrong but still getting cursed from phai makes him upset. Phai rubbed his forehead, he wanted to curse Phayu more but Phai understood Phayu's position a little. He and phayu live in a dark world and they have been taught since childhood how to interrogate traitors and what punishment is given for traitors but it seems phayu forgot one thing. Phai took a deep breath, trying to contain his unstoppable anger.

"phayu.... your father and your pa end up fine because they live in the same world, Uncle Pete has been in our world from the start and he already understands very well what will happen when he is sent by my family to investigate the minor family so even though uncle vegas tortured uncle pete when he was found out, uncle pete can still accept because he knows the consequences. But rain is different HE IS AN ORDINARY PERSON, he doesn't come from the dark world like us. Moreover, rain is a very innocent person and you did that to rain ?. I would even feel weird if Rain was still able to think sanely after what happened to him "said Phai, Phayu who heard this was a little surprised, he seemed to have just realized that Rain was very different from him.

"Besides, I'm surprised how come you can just trust Stop just because he said Rain was a spy who wanted to steal your family's information? " asked phai surprised, phai knew very well that phayu was not someone who liked to act rashly, especially to the point of harming Rain, who incidentally was an ordinary person. Phayu turns away from phai, doesn't want to see phai's face because phayu knows phai can read his mind. phai sighed again while massaging his forehead, this cousin of him really gave him a headache.

" You did it because you're jealous of Rain, right?" guessed Phai, Phayu became silent again. Phai knows very well that phayu is similar to his father who is very jealous. If it's only because of looking for information about his family, it's impossible for Phayu to go to that extreme, because it's not uncommon for him and Phayu for other people to find out about their family's information to find out the weaknesses and plans of the Theerapanyakul family even though it would still be hurtful if someone those we really love who become spies but still do acts as extreme as phayu is not phayu's style.

Phayu didn't reply to phai, he admitted what phai said was true. Phayu did that because he was jealous of Rain. Phayu wants to have Rain completely but Rain's jovial nature makes him liked by many people which makes Phayu not happy. Phayu wanted to lock up Rain so that no one could touch and hold Rain. For several months Phayu was dating Rain, Phayu tried to hold back his jealousy until one day Phayu accidentally saw Rain kissing Stop, this made Phayu very angry especially when Stop told him that Rain had deliberately approached Phayu to get information about his family that made Phayu lose his mind and go to extremes to rain. Until finally, Phayu knew everything that the kiss that Phayu saw at that time was because Stop forced Rain and tried to rape Rain, but because Rain rebelled, Stop getting angry and didn't accept it. This makes stop making up stories about rain on phayu to break up their relationship.

Phayu who realized his stupidity immediately looked for Rain but it was too late, Rain was nowhere to be found. Guilt continues to surround phayu and this continues to torment phayu's feelings. Phayu tried his best to looking for rain, but everything was nothing. Rain was nowhere to be found. Even so, phayu doesn't give up, he will keep looking for rain even though it takes years to find him because for phayu rain is the only one and he can no longer love anyone else. Meanwhile Stop, when Phayu finds out the truth, Phayu of course eliminates stop in a very unimaginable way, even though Phayu realizes that stop is not completely wrong. Since phayu lost rain, phayu has changed, he tried to be better, phayu tried to control his emotions so that when he met rain again he could treat rain better. But after learning about Rain's condition... Phayu became doubtful.

"Your stupid actions also affected me, now it will be difficult for me to make Sky come back to me. Sky must think that I conspired with you to harm Rain," said Phai to Phayu, his head hurting thinking of ways to get Sky to return to him in the current situation.

"Do I have to give up on rain..." Phayu said weakly, to be honest, even at this moment, Phayu didn't want to give up to get Rain back. But if his presence makes rain bring back bad memories of that day and damages rain's mental... phayu wants to stop.

"You are still asking me, should you give up or not? As Sky said earlier, if you really intend to kill Rain and Sky, just continue your doing " replied Phai.

"You're also going to give up?" Phayu asked again, phai sighed.

"I will back off for now, I will give time to Sky while looking at Sky's condition. If Sky's condition doesn't change and gets worse because of my existence... then I will give up and let him be happy the way he is." Phai continued to massage his forehead. He also didn't want to give up, but phai also couldn't see sky suffer by his side. Even though it means phai will be alone for the rest of his life but phai doesn't matter as long as sky is happy. Enough for phai to hurt sky that time and phai doesn't want to repeat the same mistake for the second time.

"And please don't let this matter be heard by my pa and your pa if they both find out, I'm sure the two of them will kill us especially Uncle Pete, Phayu. He will really kill you without caring if you are the only heir to the minor family," said Phai warning Phayu .Phayu nodded slowly, he also didn't want his Pa to know what he had done to rain in the past. Phayu closed his eyes before laying his body on the floor, phayu covered his eyes with his arm.

'For the sake of rain.... I will give up' said phayu in his heart and without him knowing it, tears start flowing down his cheeks.

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