Chapter 15

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It's been the past few days phayu has never chased rain again, now phayu is more focused on his work as theerapanyakul. Phayu keeps himself busy to keep his mind away from rain because Phayu knows if he doesn't keep himself busy then he will keep thinking about rain and it will stress him out.
Phayu had just returned from his assignment out of town when he saw a familiar figure. Phayu wasn't sure what he was seeing so he stopped the car and his eyes widened when he saw Rain (? ) surrounded by people who seemed to be ganging up on him.

"LET ME GO... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" screamed noeul when one of the people held noeul's hand hard. Noeul wanted to rebel but because his hand was held so tight it made difficult for him. Phayu bit his lip, he had promised himself that he would stay away from Rain for his sake but Phayu couldn't let Rain be beaten like that. Moreover, Phayu could see that among them there were those who were looking at Rain with eyes full of lust. Phayu finally decided to help Rain.

"What did you guys do to him?" asked phayu coldly, everyone stared at phayu including noeul.

"You...." said Noeul, a little surprised to see Phayu there.

"let him go" phayu said again.

" Oh it seems you want to be a hero huh?" said one of them and before phayu had time to answer their questions the people suddenly attacked Phayu. Even though there were around 7-9 people who attacked Phayu, it wasn't a problem for him because Phayu was trained from an early age to deal with this kind of thing and when Phayu finished all of them, Phayu immediately saw Rain. Phayu actually didn't want to get close to Rain but he also couldn't leave Rain alone here.

"Are you okay?" asked Phayu, Noeul was a little scared to see Phayu approaching him. Phayu who saw this immediately stopped to approach noeul.

"I won't hurt you, I'll take you home. It's dangerous if you stay here alone" Phayu said as he walked back to his car and opened the passenger door for Noeul. Noeul, who was a little hesitant, finally agreed to follow Phayu.

Phayu was a little relieved when he saw Noeul getting into his car and after Noeul got into his car Phayu returned to his seat. The atmosphere in the car was very quiet, neither Noeul nor Phayu spoke to each other. All that could be heard was the sound of each other's breathing, Phayu glanced at Noeul who was looking down and when Phayu looked at Noeul's hands he could see red bruises on his hands. Phayu stopped his car when he saw a pharmacy and phayu got out. Noeul saw Phayu who got out of the car in astonishment and after a while Phayu finally returned to the car.

"Give me your hand" said Phayu, Noeul looked at Phayu.

"Come on... give me your hand" Phayu said once again. With hesitation and a little trembling Noeul gave his hand.

" the other hand too " phayu said when he saw neoul only gave his right hand to him, while biting his lower lip noeul gave his left hand. Phayu examined Noeul's hands from the fingers to the arms and Phayu could see some bruises on Noeul's hands. Phayu took the ointment in the plastic he had brought earlier and rubbed it on the bruises on Noeul's hands.

"This will make your bruises a little better, you have to rub it on your bruises a lot so that your bruises will disappear soon." Phayu said while applying ointment to Noeul's bruises. Noeul winced several times when Phayu applied it to a large bruise.

"Does this hurt?" asked Phayu worried, Noeul nodded slowly.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital for further examination?" Phayu asked again, Noeul shook his head. Phayu narrowed his eyes when he saw the corner of Noeul's lip hurt.

"Your lips are hurt too" Noeul's body jerked when Phayu's cold hand touched his lips.

"Maybe it's because they slapped me earlier" said Noeul quietly, Noeul turned his head away when Phayu continued to stare at him with firm eyes but filled with love (?). Phayu wants to be angry, he should not only beat them but also destroy them. But everything is done and phayu doesn't want to come back just to beat them up. Phayu took a deep breath to control his anger.

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