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One year later...

"I can't believe it's been a whole year." said Grantaire to his boyfriend, Enjolras.

"It seems like only yesterday." Enjolras replied.

"I know. We're gonna have to go and see 'Ponine as its her birthday, but after that we can spend the whole day together." said Grantaire, wrapping his arms around Enjolras' waist.

"Mm, I like the sound of that." Enjolras kissed Grantaire softly on the lips. "Shall we head over to 'Ponine's after breakfast?"


Grantaire sighed when Enjolras didn't move. "You want me to make you pancakes, don't you?"

Enjolras nodded and Grantaire couldn't resist the excited smile on his face.

"Oh, alright, then." he laughed and walked into the kitchen.


When they arrived at Eponine's house, they found that all of their friends were there too.

They handed Eponine their presents (Grantaire had bought her a Mad Hatter teddy and Enjolras had got her a March Hare one to go with it) and she unwrapped them, thanking them both gratefully.

"Congratulations, by the way, you two." said Combeferre.

"Wow. I must say, Enjy, I'm impressed that you've managed to put up with R for so long." teased Lesgles.

"It's not so hard," Enjolras said, wrapping an aem around Grantaire's waist, "You just have to fall in love with him." Grantaire kissed him on the cheek.

"I might have to steal that line." said Jehan. Feuilly rolled his eyes.

"You guys are so cheesy." Joly laughed.

"Just the way we like it." smiled Grantaire.

They stayed for a little while longer, chatting with their friends until it was almost time for lunch.

"Come on, R, we'd better head back." said Enjolras, patting Grantaire's thigh and getting up from his seat.

"Yeah, you've got a lot of snogging to do." Courfeyrac laughed.

"What, and you and Ep don't?" Grantaire countered.

"Run!" yelled Enjolras as Courfeyrac rose from his chair. The two of them ran out of the house.


Later that evening, Grantaire and Enjolras were cuddled on the sofa watching TV. Grantaire had his head on Enjolras' shoulder and the blonde kissed him gently on the forehead. Grantaire looked up at him and rested his forehead against Enjolras'. He looked him in the eye and closed the gap between their lips.

They stayed that way for a while, until Grantaire gently pushed Enjolras so that he was laying down and then shifted himself so that he was on top of him, never breaking contact with his lips. They kissed until they ran out of breath and they both pulled away, gasping for air.

Enjolras smiled up at Grantaire and placed a hand on his cheek. "I love you so much." he said.

Grantaire presses his lips to the blonde's and whispered "I love you too." before losing himself in the kiss.

Okay, that is officially the end of this fic. Thank you guys so much for reading and for all of the support you've given me it's literally made me so happy that you guys enjoy my writing. I've actually started writing another Enjoltaire fic and I will post that asap. Thanks again!

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