Chapter Three

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Grantaire was in the middle of eating his toast when his phone rang the next morning. He picked up his phone and held it to his ear.

"Hello?" he said through a mouthful of toast.

"R, he's here!" came Eponine's voice.

Grantaire choked on his toast, coughing and spraying Courfeyrac with crumbs.

"Dude!" he yelled, wiping the crumbs from his chest.


"Hurry!" Eponine said, "I'll try to stall him if he goes to leave."

"Okay, I'm on my way."

Grantaire hung up and practically threw his plate into the sink.

"R! What is it?" Courfeyrac asked.

"He's at the library!" he replied whilst spinning in circles in an attempt to get his arm into his jacket sleeve.

"I'm coming too!" Courfeyrac jumped up from his seat, grabbing his coat and pulling it on.

"You are not to come anywhere near that library!" Grantaire protested.

"I'll talk to 'Ponine! I won't come anywhere near you! I promise!" Courfeyrac insisted.

"Fine!" Grantaire snapped, "But you're washing the dishes later!"

"Deal!" Courfeyrac grinned and flew out of the door, Grantaire hot on his heels.


The two boys ran all the way to the library and Grantaire had to grab Courfeyrac before he could run into the building, which would only draw everyone's attention to them.

They walked calmly into the library, where Eponine was waiting for them, perched on the edge of the desk. When she saw them, she gestured for them to come over.

"Are you really stupid enough to bring him with you?" she said, tilting her head towards Courfeyrac.

"I promised to behave!" the boy cried.

"Yeah, and do the dishes." Grantaire added.

Eponine rolled her eyes. "He's over there." she told him, pointing to where Grantaire was sat yesterday.

Grantaire produced Harry Potter from his bag and walked over to his usual spot. He heard squeals coming from his friends as he turned away.

He sat in the green armchair and opened the book to where he had left off. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted him. Blonde curls hidden under a black beanie. Pale hands holding a book with a gentle grip. Blue eyes flitting left and right as he followed the words.

Grantaire looked back down at his book, hoping that Enjolras would see him so that he wouldn't have to be the one to start the conversation.

After about five minutes, Grantaire's heart began to pound, as the chance that he would have to go and talk to the blonde grew ever more likely. He was just about to give up hope entirely when he heard someone sit in the armchair next to his.

"Grantaire," said Enjolras, " I figured I'd find you here."

"Oh, hi, Enjolras." Grantaire smiled. It was then that he noticed Eponine and Courfeyrac jumping up and down across the room and shot them a glare. They stopped immediately.

Enjolras raised an eyebrow. "Do you know them?" he asked Grantaire.

"Sadly, yes. Those are my friends." he replied.

"Ah, yes. So that's not your girlfriend, then?"

"No. She's very pretty, but she's just a friend."

Enjolras nodded, showing no emotion on his face.

"So you're a big Harry Potter fan, then?" he asked Grantaire.

"Oh, yes." he replied, "It's my favourite book series and trust me, I've read a lot of books."

"I can agree with you there." Enjolras smiled, "Do you know what house you're in?"


"Ah, the intelligent ones. You seem to fit that description very well."

"What about you?"


"What house are you in?"

"I'm a Gryffindor."

"I take it you're very brave, then?"

"I suppose you could say that."

Enjolras smiled, causing the skin by his eyes to crease slightly.

"I was actually wondering if you wanted to get a coffee tomorrow. You seem like an interesting man and I'd love to get to know you better." he said.

Grantaire's heart practically leapt out of his chest.

"Uh y-yes, I'd love to." he managed to get out.

"Wonderful." Enjolras grinned, "Here's my number. Text me later and we'll arrange it." He handed him a piece of paper.

"Well, I'd best be off. See you tomorrow." Enjolras said.

As soon as he had left, Grantaire ran over to his friends.

"He invited me out for coffee tomorrow! And gave me his number!" he gushed, waving the piece of paper in the air.

"Woohoo!" Courfeyrac yelled, dancing on the spot. Eponine slapped his arm.

"Shh! We're in a library, remember?" she hissed.

"Oops. Sorry." he whispered, "But seriously that's awesome!"

"I know! I didn't even have to ask for his number! He gave it to me!" Grantaire said.

"I'm craving Starbucks now. How about I take my break now and you can tell us exactly what happened?" Eponine suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Courfeyrac said. Grantaire nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let me just grab my jacket and we can go." Eponine told them, then disappeared into the staffroom.

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