Chapter Ten

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Two films later, everyone was hungry, so Grantaire ordered pizza and they decided to wait until it arrived before they started the next film.

"How about a game of truth or dare?" Joly suggested.

"I can't be bothered with dares. But truth sounds fun." said Eponine. Everyone agreed on this and so they went around the room asking each other questions.

"Marius, how many girls have you claimed you were in love with three seconds after you first saw them?" Jehan asked, laughing.

"...Three." Marius replied sheepishly, glancing at Cosette. Luckily, she was too busy playing Temple Run to hear.

"Cosette. Hm, what can I ask you? Oh, I know! Why do you even like Marius? He's an idiot." said Lesgles.

"You're just jealous because I actually have a girlfriend." Marius protested.

"I like him because he's sweet and innocent and kind and funny and, let's face it, he has great hair." Cosette smiled. Marius bent down and kissed her forehead. Grantaire was expecting Eponine to wince, but, to his surprise, she didn't.

"Jehan, your turn," said Feuilly, "Was it really some random guy that ran into you that caused you to smash your phone or was it just your own clumsiness?"

"My own clumsiness." Jehan mumbled sulkily. This causes everyone to laugh. "Oh, haha, real funny." he hissed.

"'Ponine, do you still like Marius?" Combeferre inquired bravely, as this wasn't a subject she liked to talk about.

"No." she replied bluntly, blushing slightly.

"Someone else?" Cosette questioned.

"Yes." Eponine blushed even more.

"Tell us who!" demanded Joly.


"Tell me then." Cosette pleaded. Eponine whispered something in her ears and Cosette clapped her hands  together excitedly.

"Do you like anyone at the moment, Courf?" asked Marius.

"Yes and I'm not telling you who."

"Damn it." said Marius.

"Joly, how many times have you not been the one to make the first move?" Jehan questioned.

"Twice. I'm usually the more forward one."

"Yeah, no kidding." Grantaire remarked.

"Shut up, R, at least I have the guts to do it." Joly countered. Grantaire fell silent at that.

"Feuilly, if you only had twenty four hours left to live, what would you do?" Cosette asked.

"I would make a complete fool of myself by doing as many stupid things as I could think of."

"But you already do that." Joly teased. Feuilly punched him in the stomach and he groaned.

"Combeferre, how many teddies do you still have?" asked Eponine.

"Five and there is no shame in that." Combeferre replied, puffing up his chest. Eponine laughed.

"Lesgles, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Grantaire joked.

"Yes. Yes, I did." Lesgles deadpanned.

"Good boy." Grantaire smiled.

"Your turn, R." said Feuilly, causing Grantaire to panic, as he had no idea what his friend would ask. "You can chose between and everlasting supply of chocolate or Haribos." Feuilly said.

"Chocolate." Grantaire replied with a sigh of relief.

"Enjolras, it's your turn." said with Combeferre with a gentle smile, "Do you have a girlfriend at the moment?"

"Oh, goodness, no." Enjolras laughed.

"Why did you say it like that?" Eponine asked, looking slightly offended, as if Enjolras was insulting girls.

"Okay, you guys have to promise not to judge me." said Enjolras, suddenly serious. Everyone promised him they wouldn't. "I'm gay."

Grantaire felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Now there was an even bigger chance that Enjolras liked him.

"Me too." Grantaire admitted. He thought he saw the hint of a smile on Enjolras' face.

"A boyfriend, then?" Combeferre asked.

"Not at the moment." Enjolras said. Grantaire had to restrain himself before he danced around the room with joy.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Oooh, pizza!" Courfeyrac said, leaping out of his seat to answer the door.

"We should not have let him have that Pepsi." said Lesgles.

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