Chapter Two

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Grantaire opened his front door and stepped into the house, wiping his feet on the doormat and putting his coat on one of the hooks in the wall.

"Who's Enjolras?" Courfeyrac shouted from the living room.

"God damn it, Eponine." Grantaire whispered under his breath. He began to creep slowly up the stairs in an attempt to escape when Joly jumped onto the stairs in front of him.

"Oh, no you don't!" he laughed.

Grantaire sighed and retreated to the living room, knowing that there was no way he would get past his friend.

"Why are you even here?" he asked him.

"I got a text from Ep saying that you had found your soulmate and I figured it would be a good opportunity to make fun of you." Joly replied.

"Thanks." Grantaire hissed.

When he entered the living room, Courfeyrac patted the sofa next to him. Grantaire sat down reluctantly and Joly sat in the armchair.

"Spill." Courfeyrac ordered. He was bouncing up and down like a child that had eaten too much sugar.

"What's the matter with you?" Grantaire inquired.

"I'm excited, okay? I can't remember the last time you had a crush." he replied.

"Now tell us about Enjolras before Courf explodes." Joly said.

"Alright, alright!" Grantaire exclaimed. He took a deep breath and told them about what happened.

"Really?" Joly frowned, "That's it?" Courfeyrac shot him a glare. "What! I was expecting him to tell us that they made out in the supply closet or something exciting!"

Courfeyrac threw the TV remote at him. It hit him square in the jaw.

"Ow!" he cried, rubbing his jaw where the remote hit him.

"Shut up then!" Courfeyrac yelled, then turned to Grantaire. "R, it sounds wonderful. It's a good job Eponine works at the library, otherwise you'd have to live there instead."

"I'm not that sad!" Grantaire protested.

"Well, you practically live there anyway." Joly remarked, still rubbing his jaw.

"True." Grantaire shrugged.

"Next time you see him, pretend you haven't noticed him. If he doesn't come over in ten minutes, then you start the conversation. No wimping out. Got it?" Courfeyrac said. Grantaire nodded.

"Guys, I hate to interrupt your planning, but can we order a pizza?" Joly asked.

"Go on then." Courfeyrac answered, throwing the phone at his head.


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