Chapter Six

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Grantaire awoke to the sound of Courfeyrac singing Fall Out Boy whilst flipping pancakes. He groaned and looked at his alarm clock. Half past nine. Just two hours before he had to meet Enjolras.

He shuffled into the kitchen to find Courfeyrac in his boxers and bunny slippers.

"Breakfast is served." he smiled.

Grantaire grabbed a plate and loaded two pancakes onto it. He sat at the table and was shortly joined by Courfeyrac.

"How are you feeling?" he asked Grantaire.

"Scared. No, terrified, even."

"It'll be fine. Don't worry."

"I'm not quite as good with romance as you are."

"Yeah, you're the worst person at flirting I know. But you haven't got to know him properly yet, so wait a little longer before you start flirting."

"That's not what I meant. I just get jittery."

"Just relax. The more you relax, the smoother it will go."


They ate the rest of their pancakes in silence.


Grantaire stood in front of Starbucks, his heart beating twice as fast as usual. He took a deep breath and walked into the coffee shop.

He searched the room for Enjolras and found him sat in the corner. He walked over to the blonde, his breaths short and fast.

"Grantaire!" said Enjolras, standing and shaking the brunette's hand. The two men sat down.

"What do you want to drink?" Enjolras asked.

"I can get it." Grantaire protested.

"Don't be silly. I invited you here, so I'll pay. Now, what can I get you?"

"A white caffe mocha, please."

Enjolras walked over to the counter and returned a few minutes later with two of Grantaire's request.

"You have a good taste in hot beverages." he smiled.

"You too." Grantaire smiled back.

They sipped their drinks in a comfortable silence for a while, until Grantaire broke the silence.

"Do you live locally, then?" he asked.

"Yeah, just down the road actually." replied Enjolras.

"Do you share a house with anyone?"

"No, it's just me."


"What about you?"

"Yeah, I live with my friend, Courfeyrac. The guy from the library."

"The one doing the little dance with the girl?"

"Yeah. Her name's Eponine, by the way."

"Oh right. They both seem nice."

"They are. Just don't get on Eponine's bad side. She's the master of revenge."

"Really? She looked very sweet and innocent."

"Yeah, she is, until you annoy her."

"I take it that you learnt that the hard way?"

"I think everyone who knows Eponine learnt it the hard way."

"Ha ha."

"Do you have a job?"

"I just finished studying law at university, but haven't actually gotten round to getting an actual job yet. How about you?"

"Same, but I studied art and I just paint at the moment."

"That's really cool. I bet you're really good. What sort of things do you paint?"

"Anything that comes to mind. I once did a painting of Courfeyrac sat on a bench because I liked the lighting so I took a picture and then painted from the photograph."

"I'd love to see your paintings."

"I'll show you them some day."

Grantaire drank the last drops of his cappuccino and placed the cup down on the table.



"My friends and I are having a Harry Potter marathon on Friday. Would you like to be there?"

"Your friends are going to be there?"

"Yeah, but they're cool and I'll make them promise to behave."

"Okay, sure. Why not? I'll come."


Grantaire wrote his address on a napkin and handed it to Enjolras.

"Can you make ten o'clock in the morning? We're not actually putting the film on until half past, so it doesn't matter if you're a little late."

"Sounds perfect."


"Well, I'd best be off. See you Friday." Enjolras smiled, standing up and putting on his coat.

"See you."

Enjolras turned and looked at Grantaire, hesitated slightly and then shook his head, turning and walking out of the door. Grantaire heaved a huge sigh.

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