Chapter One

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This is my first fanfiction so what better way to start than with enjoltaire! Hope you enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, they belong to the amazing Victor Hugo.

The strong smell of books hit Grantaire as soon as he pushed open the library doors. He inhaled deeply and smiled as his favourite smell flooded his nostrils.

A girl sat at the front desk, her dark brown hair hung in front of her face as she stared down at the paperwork she was reading, her brow slightly furrowed.

She looked up when she noticed him and her frown was instantly replaced with a smile.

"Hey, R!" She greeted him.

"Good morning, Eponine." Grantaire replied.

"What're you planning on reading today? John Green? James Dashner? Maybe even the classic Jane Austen?"

"Actually I'm going to reread the entire Harry Potter series."

Eponine laughed. "Good choice. I'll leave you to it then."

"Have fun with your paperwork!" Grantaire teased as he walked away. Eponine poked her tongue out at him.

Grantaire walked over to the bookshelf and selected "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone". He sat in his favourite chair and opened the book. He pressed the pages to his face and inhaled the smell of the worn paper. There were no other books that smelled quite like this one.

"Ahem." came a noise from in front of him.

Grantaire looked up and felt his face get hotter.

A man with jaw length blonde curls stood before him. He stared down at Grantaire with sparkling blue eyes and a slight smirk turned the corners of his lips upwards.

"Excuse me for interrupting, but I just couldn't help myself. Please tell me that this isn't the first time you're reading Harry Potter?" the man said.

Grantaire laughed. "Goodness, no! It's probably the fifth!" he replied.

"Thank goodness! I thought you had been deprived as a child or something then!" the man smiled, "I'm Enjolras, by the way."

"Grantaire." he replied.

"Nice to meet you, Grantaire. I'll see you around." And with that, he turned and walked away, placing a book back on the shelf before exiting the library.

Grantaire gulped. He was mesmerised by Enjolras' beauty. He was still staring at the door when Eponine walked over and crouched next to him, resting her chin on the chair's arm.

"Who's your friend?" she asked with a smirk.

"His name's Enjolras." Grantaire answered, finally snapping out of his trance.


"Does he come here often?"

"Never seen him before. Besides, if he did, I'm sure you would have seen him by now."

"Oh." Grantaire's heart sank. He noticed Eponine grinning at him. "What?"

"You know I saw the whole thing." Eponine told him.


"You like him, don't you?"

"What!" Grantaire cried, leaping out of his chair, "Don't be ridiculous! I don't even know him!"

"You do too! Besides, you're making it extremely obvious, the way you're defending yourself like that!"

Grantaire panicked then. "Do you think he noticed?" he asked, failing to hide the fear in his voice.

"I doubt it. He probably assumed that you were blushing because he caught you smelling your book." Eponine laughed.

"Well, that was part of the reason." Grantaire mumbled, sitting back down.

"Yeah, you looked like a right weirdo!"

"Hey, it smells nice okay!" He pushed Eponine so that she was thrown off balance and ended up falling backwards.

"Ha!" he teased.

"Well you can forget me helping you get Enjolras then!" Eponine said, getting up from the floor.

"Okay, I'm sorry." Grantaire said.

Eponine laughed. "I thought that would do it."

"What're you planning on doing?"

"If I see him in the library again, I'll call you and you can get your butt over here and ask for his number."

"Because I'm so forward."

Eponine placed a hand on his knee. "R, look at me." She instructed. He did as she said, "If you don't ask, you will never have a chance with him. I can tell that you really like him. Besides, I ship it and if you sink my ship I will sink you."

"So you're telling me that if I don't man up and do it, you're going to drown me?" Grantaire said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep." said Eponine with a mischievous smile.

"Well, that's just peachy."

"And you know I will."



"Can you actually do your job and let me borrow this book now?"

"If you promise you'll try." Eponine told him, holding out her pinkie.

"You do realise that there are other librarians here who would be happy to help me."

"Just do it"

"I promise." Grantaire said with a sigh, linking his own finger with hers.


There was no backing out now.

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