Chapter Eight

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By the time Friday came, Grantaire had checked that everyone had what they needed to bring three times and checked that he had all the Harry Potter movies more times than he could count.

He had just finished making the sandwiches with Courfeyrac when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Grantaire said, walking out of the hitchen and into the hallway. Licking mayonnaise off his fingers, he opened the door.

Eponine and Combeferre were stood there, each holding two full and heavy-looking bags.

"We have sweets." Combeferre said.

"Here, let me get those for you." Grantaire said, reaching out to take the bags from Eponine.

"I can handle them." she protested, pulling them away and then stepping inside. Grantaire rolled his eyes. Eponine would never let anyone do anything for her.

They dumped their bags on the table in the kitchen and walked into the living room.

"We're always the first ones here." Eponine laughed.

"Yeah, that's becau-" Combeferre began, but a loud banging sound coming from the door interrupted him.

Grantaire went into the hallway and opened the door to find a pile of blankets stood outside.

"Let me in. I can't even see where I'm going." Feuilly pleaded.

"Let me take some." Grantaire offered, taking half the pile, revealing Feuilly's head.

"Thank you," he said as he entered the house, "I was struggling there."

"Quite the gentleman, aren't you, R?" Eponine teased.

"Not to you, you won't let me." Grantaire said.

"I can do things by myself!" she argued.

"A little help doesn't hurt." said Jehan, making everyone jump.

"When did you get here?" Courfeyrac asked.

"Like, five seconds ago. The door was open and you were all stood here so I came in."

Grantaire and Feuilly took the blankets into the living room and dumped them on the floor. Everyone else followed them into the room and they sat there and chatted for a while, until there was another knock.

This time, Eponine got up to answer the door.

"Hey, Joly." they heard her say.

"This bag has fizzy drinks in it, so don't let Courf anywhere near it." Joly instructed.

Courfeyrac began to get up and Combeferre shot a hand in front of him to hold him down.

"I don't think so!" he laughed.

Next to arrive was Cosette and Marius, and after them, Lesgles. Enjolras was the only one left to arrive.

"What if he doesn't come?" Grantaire thought aloud.

"He will," Cosette assured him, "Don't worry."

Just as the clock chimed to tell them that it was ten o'clock, there was a knock on the door.

Grantaire ran to the door before anyone else could get there and, with one last glance in the mirror, he opened the door.

There stood the blonde, wearing a black T-shirt, ripped jeans and his black beanie.

"Bang on ten o'clock." Grantaire smiled.

"Perfect timing, then." the blonde smiled back.

Grantaire shut the door and led Enjolras into the living room, terrified of what his friends may do.

"Guys this is-" he began, but was cut off by Marius.

"If you don't introduce us by our name and house I might find it hard to keep my promise." he warned.

"Fine. Everyone, this is Enjolras - Gryffindor." he continued. There were several hoots and Grantaire noticed Enjolras relax slightly. "Enjolras this is Eponine - Ravenclaw, Marius - Gryffindor, Cosette - Hufflepuff, Joly - Slytherin, Feuilly - Slytherin, Jehan - Hufflepuff and Lesgles - Gryffindor." he said, gesturing to each person in turn.

"Good mix then." Enjolras noted.

"Yeah, but no one really likes the Slytherins." Lesgles laughed. Joly and Feuilly both shouted objections at him.

"Shut up!" Eponine yelled, "Can we put the film on now? Everyone's here."

"I'll go get the Haribos." Combeferre said, getting up and going to the kitchen. When he returned, he began passing out the bags of sweets. He handed Enjolras a packet, but he declined.

"Oh, no, that's okay, you keep them." he said.

"Just take them. We bought enough for everyone." Combeferre insisted. Enjolras took the bag with a grateful smile.

"There's more to come later, Enjy!" Courfeyrac said, grinning at Grantaire.

"Courf." Grantaire warned.

"No, its okay. I like it." said Enjolras.

"Ha!" Courfeyrac smirked.

Marius was sat in one of the armchairs, Cosette on the floor leaning against his legs, her head resting on his knee. Jehan sat in the other armchair curled up in a ball. Eponine and Courfeyrac sat on the end of the sofa, Eponine sat sideways with her feet on Courfeyrac's thigh. Joly sat next to Courfeyrac, slouching so much that it looked like he might fall off the sofa. Feuilly sat next to him, his feet on Combeferre's shoulders as he was sat in the floor and finally, Lesgles sat with his legs crossed on the sofa.

Grantaire inserted the disc into the DVD player and sat down next to Lesgles on the sofa. It was then that he noticed Enjolras stood looking slightly awkward.

"Enjolras, why don't you sit down?" he said.

"Oh, right." he smiles nervously, sitting next to Grantaire.

"Enjy, relax, we're not gonna burn you for making yourself at home." Cosette told him.

"We think you're cool, so don't worry." Jehan smiled.

Grantaire sensed Enjolras relax a lot more.

"You can move closer, too. I won't bite." Grantaire said. He noticed his friends smirk slightly, but Enjolras didn't seem to notice, as he moved extremely close to Grantaire, so close that Grantaire could feel the heat coming from the blonde's body.

"Can you just play the film already?" Courfeyrac begged.

Grantaire hit play and Eponine reached over and switches off the lights.

The film began to play.

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