Chapter Seven

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Okay so before you start reading, I'd like to point out that all the other characters are introduced in this chapter, but I haven't read the book of Les Mis (but I'm completely obsessed with the musical) so I've only included the characters from the cast list of the actual musical in London (it's awesome you should see it) so Bahorel and Musichetta are not in this story and Bossuet is referred to as Lesgles. I'm sorry if this annoys anyone, I just haven't read the book. Okay, I'll shut up now. Enjoy!

When Grantaire opened his front door, Courfeyrac was already stood in the doorway.

"How long have you been standing there?" Grantaire asked him.

"Pretty much since you left."

"I've been gone for two hours."

"Well I did have a tea break. And that resulted in a pee break, too."

"You're strange."

"Thank you. Now get in here and tell me everything."

Courfeyrac pulled Grantaire into the house and then dragged him into the kitchen.

"You didn't shut the door." Grantaire said.

"I will go do that." Courfeyrac left the room and returned a few seconds later. "Now tell me."

Grantaire recounted the whole meeting to his friend, who, unsurprisingly, interrupted with a question every few seconds.

"So he's coming?" Courfeyrac asked.

"He's coming." Grantaire confirmed. Courfeyrac squealed.

"You sound like an annoying teenage girl." remarked Grantaire.

"And you sound like a moody sod."

Grantaire ignored him. "We need to invite everyone else that is coming over. Now." he said.


"Because I need to give everyone specific instructions on what they can and can't do. Plus, we need to discuss who's bringing what. If Enjolras is coming, I want everything to be perfect and for everyone to be on their best behaviour."



"You're so sweet when you're in love!"

Grantaire kicked Courfeyrac in the balls, causing him to keel over.

"Not so sweet now, am I?" he smiled, smugly. Courfeyrac's fist made contact with Grantaire's own crotch and he joined his friend on the floor.

"Dick." he snapped.

The two of them burst out laughing.


By three o'clock that afternoon, all of Grantaire's friends were gathered in his living room. Combeferre, Feuilly, Courfeyrac, Joly, Lesgles and Jehan sat on the large sofa, whilst Eponine and Marius sat in the armchairs, Cosette at Marius's feet. Grantaire stood in the middle of the room.

"I am going to give each of you at least one rule that you have to follow." he told them. He turned to face Combeferre. "'Ferre, you must not drop any hints or do anything suspicious. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Feuilly?" he said, turning to face him.

"Yes, boss?"

"You're the same as 'Ferre."


"Courf, you, also, may not act suspiciously or drop hints, but you are also not allowed to call him by one of your stupid nicknames if he says not to."

"I can work with that."

Grantaire narrowed his eyes at him. "Joly," he continued, "you definitely can't drop hints and you have to be nice. No snarky comments."

Joly muttered something indecipherable and Grantaire ignored him.

"Lesgles, you have to promise you won't purposely make him uncomfortable."


"Jehan, none of your awful quotes. Eponine, you're not allowed to threaten anyone with anything violent. I don't want him to be scared away."

"What, not even Joly?"

"Not even Joly."

"Fine!" she snapped. Grantaire had a terrible feeling that he may soon be the victim of another one of her revenge pranks.

"Cosette, please no scrolling through Facebook and feeling the need to show everyone the hilarious videos you find."

Cosette simply nodded.

"And, finally, Marius, for heaven's sake just keep your damn mouth shut. Is everyone clear?"

Everyone nodded or mumbled a "yes".

"Excellent. Now we just need to sort out who's bringing what. Me and Courf are on lunch and dinner, Eponine and 'Ferre are on sweets, Joly can you do drinks and Feuilly do blankets?"

The two boys nodded.

"That's it then. This really means a lot to me, guys, so please don't screw it up."

"The only person you really need to worry about is Marius and I'll keep him quiet." Cosette said.

"You hear that, Pontmercy?" Eponine laughed.

The only answer she got was a snore.

Hey! Thanks for reading! I know this chapter probably wasn't as interesting as the others, but it was sort of just an introduction to the other characters and I promise that the next chapter will be a lot more interesting :)

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