Chapter Twelve

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It was late at night and Joly and Feuilly were fast asleep. Grantaire had been facing away from Enjolras, but when he turned over, he saw that the blonde was shivering.

"Enjy?" Grantaire whispered.


"You're shivering."

"I know. I'm freezing."

"Come here." said Grantaire, holding his arms. Enjolras scooted over to him and he wrapped his arms around the blonde's cold body.

After a while, Enjolras stopped shivering, but he still hadn't fallen asleep, so Grantaire did the only thing he could thing of; he sang to him.

Slip inside the eye of your mind
Don't you know you might find
A better place to play
You said that you'd never been
All the things that you've seen
Will slowly fade away

He saw Enjolras smile through the darkness, so he continued to sing.

So I'll start the revolution from my bed
'Cause you said the brains I had went to my head
Step outside 'cause summertime's in bloom
Stand up beside the fireplace
Take that look from off your face
You ain't ever gonna burn my heart out

Enjolras' breathing began to even out as he slowly started to fall asleep.

So Sally can wait
She knows it's too late
As we're walking on by
Her soul slides away
"But don't look back in anger"
I heard you say

Enjolras had finally fallen asleep, so Grantaire stopped singing to avoid waking him. The blonde looked vulnerable in his sleep, his face relaxed and hair flopping in his eyes. Grantaire stared at him for a while, until his eyelids began to feel heavy.

And that's how they fell asleep; Enjolras' face buried in Grantaire's chest and Grantaire's arms holding him close, their legs had gotten tangled in their sleep and they were so close that they could feel the rise and fall of each other's chests.


Grantaire woke up to Joly's mobile phone in his face. He didn't want him to take pictures, but at the same time, he didn't want to wake the blonde still sleeping in his arms.

"Get lost, Joly!" he whispered.

"Just taking a few so I have something to hold against you." he whispered back and then left the room.

"Grantaire, are you awake?" came Enjolras' voice.


"Good morning."

"And you. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thanks, you've proven to make and excellent hot water bottle."

"Good, I'm glad." Grantaire smiled, "Are you hungry?"

"A little."

"Do you like pancakes?"

"Oh, God, I'm starving. I might die if I don't eat soon."

Grantaire laughed. "Come on, then. We can't have you dying, can we?"


Everyone was quiet at breakfast, their early morning grogginess causing even Courfeyrac to shut up.

"Remind me to never share a bed with Lesgles again." said Jehan, breaking the silence.

"What did I do?" cried Lesgles.

"You snored all night, kept hogging the blankets and don't even get me started on how much space I had" Jehan told him.

"I'm sorry, but there's not a lot I can do about it if I'm sleeping."

"Well, I'm certainly not sleeping with him if he's going to do that!" said Combeferre.

"I didn't snore at all, according to Joly. I feel quite proud of myself." Feuilly chuckled.

"Did I snore?" Marius asked Cosette.

"No, honey, although you did roll on top of me at one point and I had to push you off." she answered with a laugh.

"Oops, sorry." said Marius. Cosette accepted his apology with a smile.

"How did you sleep, 'Ponine?" Courfeyrac asked with a smile.

"Very well, thank you." she smiled back.

"What about you, Enjolras?" Combeferre inquired.

"Well, I was a little cold at first." he said.

"A little? You were shivering like mad!" Grantaire laughed.

"It's a good job you were there to warm me up, then!" Enjolras smiled.

"Oh, really? And how did he do that, exactly?" asked Combeferre, receiving a death stare from Grantaire.

"Well, he sorta cuddled me and sang me to sleep." Enjolras blushed.

"Aw, Grantaire, I didn't know you were capable of being so sweet!" Feuilly joked.

"I can be nice!" said Grantaire, slightly hurt.

"The only other person I've seen you like that with is Gavroche." Jehan laughed.

"That's my little brother." Eponine explained to Enjolras.

"And my partner in crime." added Courfeyrac.

"Yeah, no kidding!" said Marius, who had been the victim of many of their pranks.

"Well, I'd best be off. I've got some work to do." said Lesgles, getting up. "But this was fun. We should do it again some time."

"Amen, brother." smiled Jehan.

Credit to WhovianPickle for the idea of Grantaire singing Enjolras to sleep. Thanks for reading, hope you guys enjoyed!

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