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The day of the party approached, and I found myself feeling guilty for ditching, no, for not being with Solar and Virtue.
No way! I pushed the guilt away and focused on my impending revenge on those losers I once called friends.
🎶Tonight is the night that I'mma get twisted/myx mascato and vodka I'mma mix it🎶
Unfortunately, I don't know all the lyrics to that song.
I dressed up in a Gucci hoodie, ripped jeans, Nike airforce 1 sneakers and topped it off with a leather bomber jacket. Let it not be said that Beau doesn't know how to dress.
I passed the boys on my way out and I could feel their stares. That was just the beginning. I hid outside the hostel and waited.
Without disappointing, a few minutes later, Stan, Dean and Unibrow set out, wearing derivative outfits. Those boys were never original!
I discreetly followed them and soon, we were at the party's venue. Two muscle-bound bouncers were guarding the entrance and there was a long line of people waiting to be admitted into the party.
Loud music could be heard from inside.
I waited in line, behind Stan, Dean and Unibrow. When it got to their turn, the bouncers scowled at them.
“I'm sorry your names are not on the list. Now scram!” one shouted.
“Cool down.” Stan said slickly, “We've got some cash for you. So how about you look the other way and let us in?” He smiled.
“I said scram!” The other one shouted, flexing his muscles.
“Okay man, no problem. We were just going.” Dean said, terrified.
“The party is going to be lame anyway.” Unibrow taunted as they were asked to move aside.
I walked up to the bouncers and told them my name.
“Ah! You may go in. Right on to the VIP section. I'm sorry you were kept waiting because those twerps.” One said.
“It's okay. I'll go in.” I said, as I gave Stan, Dean and Unibrow a smirk. They looked embarrassed. Well, that will show them not to ever mess with me again.
I entered the place and was almost blinded by the flashing neon lights. A pop number blared from hidden speakers and people were dancing.
One of the girls who threw the party walked up to me and handed me a bottle of beer.
“So, did the bouncers disgrace your friends to your heart's content?” She asked.
“Yes. Thank you for helping me with that.” I smiled, taking a sip.
“So, you want me to show you around?” she asked suggestively, placing her hand on my chest.
“Umm, don't worry, I'll see to it myself.” I smiled.
She shrugged, “Whatever you say. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.” She said and left.
I was shocked. Why did I send her away? I thought I was here for babes and booze.
I looked around and took in the scene in front of me; boys and girls living their lives, and I knew that I was back to where I belonged.
*   *   *
Or so I thought.
An hour had passed and I'd rebuffed more girls than I'd like to count. They were always too fat, too tall, too short or too flashy. Something wasn't right.
I also felt nothing but distaste for people wasting drinks, (this was something I always found amusing).
“Beau, are you having fun?” Someone asked.
I nodded and smiled but then, I wasn't. Instead, I felt bad staying at the party when I could be with Virtue at Helping Hands.
Well, I told myself I was going to grin and bear the party. There was absolutely no way I was going back to Helping Hands. Beau doesn't beg!
*   *   *
It took only another half hour for me to realize that I wanted out. The tipping point was when a stoned boy walked up to me, swayed for a few moments, gave me a smile and proceeded to vomit all over my sneakers.
I shoved him away disgustedly and hurried out.
Outside, I saw Dean, Stan and Unibrow waiting. Immediately they saw me, they walked over.
“Beau, we're sorry. Really sorry. Please take us back!” Stan pleaded.
I looked at them. This was what I wanted. Them, before me, groveling and begging. So why didn't it bring me extreme pleasure? Why was I feeling mortified?
“Don't beg me. Look guys, I'm sorry for how I treated you all like hired helps when I was supposed to be a good friend.” I said.
They looked at me, bewildered.
“Yes. You shouldn't be someone's friend because of what you stand to gain from the person but rather because you like the person.” Why the fuck did I sound like a moral instructor?
“I can't take you back. You deserve better, and I deserve better. Moreover, I don't think you'll appreciate my new perspective.” I said.
“So what are you trying to say?” Unibrow asked.
Geez! The guy could be so daft sometimes.
“I'm saying that it's better if we part ways. We don't want the same things anymore.” I explained.
“So what you're saying is that you won't get us access to the party?” Unibrow asked.
“Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.” I said, leaving them behind.
*  *   *
I took a deep breath as I approached the Helping Hands HQ. It was decorated with banners and lights announcing the fundraiser.
I knew I had to go in there and beg Virtue and Solar for forgiveness. They'd been right. I had only been using Helping Hands for my selfish gains.
Popularity paled in comparison to actually doing something to help people. Moreover, it wasn't as if I couldn't be popular and help people. In fact, I could put my popularity to good use at Helping Hands.
I steeled myself and decided to go in.
Immediately, Nasty materialized from nowhere, “Where do you think you're going?” he snapped.
I groaned. I didn't have time for him at the moment.
“I have to go in there, Nasty!” I pleaded.

Sophomore Diaries: Diary of an Ugly Girl, Diary of a Once Popular Boy Where stories live. Discover now