Diary Of a Once Popular Boy: Chapter 1

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Hi, my name's Beau (not my real name. In fact, no one is this book is answering their real names. Don't ask me why, just go with the flow.) and I'm one of the most popular boys around.
Okay, okay, who am I fooling? I once was the most popular boy until HE showed up. And by HE, I mean Bonito.
You want to know why I'm popular? Ok, why I was popular? You guessed right! I'm hot and I'm rich. Or at least, my dad is.
Being popular has it perks such as: a whole lot of people look up to you and rally round you, you have people to do assignments for you and the ladies flock around you.
I was doing just fine as the most adored boy whom girls were throwing themselves at until Bonito came into the picture.
Bonito is a handsome (although not as handsome as I am), goody-two shoes who is a transfer student. Upon his arrival, people (especially Bella) fell for his all round goodness (blech!) and I stopped receiving all the attention and adulation. So, Bella and I fell out.
Bonito decided that he preferred Fea (a mehh girl) to Bella (a smoking hot girl). There's really no accounting for taste.
Bella released a video of me pushing Fea (I'm sorry, really) and I lost my popularity under twenty-four hours. The loving stares turned to stank eyes. My flooded inbox became an empty desert, my phone stayed silent and my pack of protection stayed unused.
It seemed I had taken my bad boy shtick too far. I begged Bella to help me get my popularity back and she agreed on the condition that I would help her break up Fea's relationship with Bonito which I did.
The bottom line is; Bella transferred to another university without fufilling her own side of the bargain.
Since then, I've kept a low profile. People do forget things easily.
Or so I thought. Since then, the number of parties I'm invited to have lessened considerably and people don't even attend the ones I throw.
I now have to work at picking up a girl and most times, I'm even rebuffed.
Nevertheless I was undaunted by this as I stepped out with my lackeys, I mean, friends for the first time in a while. I'd decided that it was time to bounce back.
We were on our way when we saw our institution's most unlikely couple; Fea and Bonito, walking hand in hand and laughing like they were in a romantic movie.
In another world, I'd probably take a dig at Fea but nah! I'm grown now. Also, Bonito beat my ass the last time I did that. Not that I can't handle him now.
So for a totally unrelated reason, I gave them a wide berth and we continued on.
"Beau, that was Fea and Bonito." One of my friends said.
"I know, Idiot. I'm not blind."
"So why didn't you make fun of them?" another asked.
"Because it got old real quick." Don't look at me like that, I gave an honest answer.
We entered a restaurant and sat down at an empty booth.
"What should we order?" Yes. Believe it or not, I make decisions for my friends. What can I say? I have such great taste.
I was trying to answer the question when another friend of mine tapped me and nodded to a direction.
I followed his gaze and saw a beautiful girl sitting all alone, eating a plate of yogurt.
Nooooooooooooooooo! I knew what would come next.
"Beau, go and get her number for us." They begged.
This was a pretty routine thing. My friends always asked me to walk up to pretty girls and collect their numbers.
These boys didn't know that delivering pick up lines weren't my thing because I didn't go after girls, they came after me.
To prevent them from thinking that I couldn't get a girl's number, I told them not to worry.
I got up and walked over to where the girl was. She looked at me and I gave her a smile that melted hearts hoping she would smile back.
She actually scowled at me before turning back to her yogurt.
"May I join you?" I asked.
She shrugged and I took that as a yes.
"I saw you from where I was sitting and I came over to ask you if it hurt when you fell." I know, I know, not original. I told you I suck at this.
"Seriously? Do you know how corny that sounds or how many times I've heard that line? Blech!" She said, standing up to leave.
I held her hand, "Please, just give me your number. My guys back there expect me to get it and I can't disappoint them." I pleaded softly. I was that desperate.
"Ugh! I'm disgusted! Don't you people have anything better to do with your lives?" She huffed as she shook my hand off and left.
I turned to my guys who looked bewildered and gave them a thumbs-up.
"Damn! Why did she walk away like that?" One asked.
"Did you get her number?" Another asked.
"Duh! Obviously I did. She totally faked walking away angrily because she didn't want to look easy." I said. A dude has to save face, you know.
I gave them a number I made up and they hailed me.
Some days later, they came to me angry.
"We called the number and a mortician answered. She obviously gave you a wrong number."
I shrugged. A girl giving you a fake number was bad, but not getting her number at all was worse.
I came out a loser both ways but at least I was able to save some face.
I really need to become very popular again. It wouldn't do to disappoint my friends all the time.

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