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Okay, you won't believe what happened today. While we were at Helping Hands, the vet's son, you know, the one I disliked, came over. To see Virtue!
“Hi, King. I didn't think you'd come.” Virtue said as she smiled at him.
“I would never break my promise to a fair lady such as you.” He replied.
Blech! I threw up in my mouth a little. What sort of lines were those?
“I'd like to think that you won't break a promise you make to anyone.” Virtue preached.
“Hi. What are you doing here?” I asked belligerently.
“Hi. What's your name again? Bone?” King asked, acting like he'd genuinely forgotten but he wasn't fooling anyone. He forgot my name on purpose.
“It's Beau.” Virtue chided.
“Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that I have a hard time remembering inconsequential things.” King said. Oh! He wanted to get dirty? I could do dirty.
“No wonder you forgot to zip your fly.” I retorted.
Immediately, he looked down, discovered that his zipper was closed and glared at me. That'll teach him not to mess with me.
“Guys, stop it.” Virtue said.
“What's he even doing here by the way?” I asked.
“I invited him over.” Virtue said, leading him away.
The foolish idiot had the gall to turn and smirk at me.
Half an hour later, I saw the both of them together.
“Isn't he going to leave?” I asked.
“I was just about to. Don't forget, six o' clock.” King said and left.
Virtue smiled and waved at him.
“What's going on at six?” I asked.
“King and I are going out.” Virtue said.
I knew it! That snake! I knew I had a right to be worried.
“Tell me you're going to let him down slowly.” I said.
“No.” She replied.
“So you're going to drop him like a bad habit. Well done.” I laughed.
“No. I'm going to go out with him.” Virtue smiled.
“Why would you torture yourself that way?” I asked, shocked.
“What do you mean? King is nice, kind, witty and is all about helping people. Just like me.” She said.
“So?” I asked.
“You know what? I'm not ready to have this conversation with you.” Virtue said and left.
Well, it wasn't over, not by a long shot.
I walked over to were Solar was, reading a comic book. He adjusted his glasses and looked at me.
“What is it?” He asked.
“Virtue is planning to go out with the vet's son.” I said, expecting his rage.
“Good. I'm happy for her.” Solar said, elated.
“How can you be happy for her? She's about to make the biggest mistake of her life!” I exclaimed.
“Because I have a funny feeling about the boy.” I said.
“Because I don't like him.”
At that moment, I got angry, “Stop trying to psychoanalyze me and help me ruin their date!”
“I can't do that.” Solar said.
“Fine. Just find out where they're planning to hang out and I'll handle the rest.”
*  *  *
I checked the restaurant to make sure it was the right one, then I checked my wrist watch. It was a minute to six.
I hurriedly entered and spotted Virtue and King, laughing at something. Thankfully, the table next to theirs was empty, so I went over there and sat down.
Those two were so engrossed in what they were talking about, they didn't notice me.
King then pulled out a pocket watch, looked at it and said, “Upon my word! I'm so famished. Why don't we order?”
What sort of nonsense was that? What would he bring out next? A monocle? A pince-nez?
Virtue nodded and they ordered.
I also called the waiter.
It was then that they noticed me.
“Beau? What are you doing here?” Virtue asked, outraged.
“Virtue. Kent. Fancy seeing you guys here. What a lovely coincidence.” I said with false cheer.
Virtue calmed down but King said to me, “I don't believe you.”
“And I don't give a fuck.” I replied nonplussed.
“Not here, not now. King, if you don't want to stay, we can leave.” Virtue said.
“No. Excuse me, I've got to do something.” King stood up and left her alone.
I smiled at her as I twiddled my thumbs and waited for my order to arrive.
King returned with a smirk on his face. That set my guard up. He'd probably planned something.
I waited and waited, on edge, for whatever King had up his sleeve as I watched them eat. Soon, I began to relax.
Then, a waiter carrying a decanter of some sloshy liquid. He stood in front if me.
At the same time, I noticed that there was a scuff on my red bottoms. I bent down to dust it and the waiter poured the liquid.
My head was bent, so the liquid missed me and hit Virtue over at the next table, right in the face.
“Oh my God! I'm so sorry! It was a mistake!” the waiter fell over himself apologizing.
Virtue gave a yell and ran into the ladies' room with King in tow.
I held on to the waiter, “Mistake, my ass! Do you know who I am? You did that on purpose!” I shouted, not caring that people were looking.
The manager hurried over and sought to placate me, “What's the problem?”
“This man here tried to pour some liquid on me.” I said, furiously.
“Is this true?” the manager asked the waiter in a hushed tone. Obviously, he didn't want to ruin his business.
“Yes, the other boy paid me to do it.” The waiter said.
At that moment, Virtue and King chose to come back to the table.
“He's the one!” the waiter pointed at King. The man was probably trying to save his job.
“Is it true?” Virtue asked, angry.
“No, wait, yes. You don't understand.” King replied.
“And I don't think I want to.” She said and left.
I actually felt bad. Virtue didn't have to go through the shit she was going through. And to think that  I'd come here to ruin her evening for selfish reasons which I didn't want to examine.
I wasn't above giving King a smirk and saying, “You're really a king. At losing.” before I left.
Ok, so maybe the words were overkill but who cares?
I ran out and found Virtue outside, waiting for a taxi. I walked up to her.
“It's always hard to find taxis here by this time. Let's walk a bit.” I said.
We walked in companionable silence.
After a while, she said, “You were right.”
Yes, I was right. But I derived no joy in that. I'd have preferred it if I had been wrong and she'd ended up enjoying her date.
“I thought he was different.” She continued. “I should have listened to you.”
“It's ok. You couldn't have known.” I said. I actually blamed myself for this. If I hadn't stalked them, King wouldn't have paid the waiter to sabotage my outfit.
Thankfully that had been prevented. (Doing laundry was a bitch).
“You actually look good tonight.” I said.
“Not with ketchup on my dress.” She replied.
“I don't care.” I replied.
She looked up to me and in that moment, I discovered how close we were. I had no other choice. I leaned in and she met me halfway.
I kissed her and man! Was it a kiss.
I've had a lot of kisses (none I could remember at that moment) but that one took the cake.
When she pulled away, I let her.
“I can't believe I didn't remember our other kiss.” I said without thinking.
Immediately, she glared at me and began to walk faster. Before I could stop her, she waved down a taxi and entered. I stood and watched as the taxi drove off.
And that was how I ruined the moment. Sad, isn't it?

Sophomore Diaries: Diary of an Ugly Girl, Diary of a Once Popular Boy Where stories live. Discover now