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Somehow, Bella found out about Bonito kissing me. Don't ask me how, it's true! Some days after the kiss, she walked up to me looking all elegant and dazzling and said, "I don't know what you did to him to make him kiss you but do not, I repeat, do not ever lay your filthy mouth on him again."
"I don't know what you're talking about." I said.
"Stop acting coy! You were shoving your tongue down Bonito's throat. Ewwww! I told him to brush his teeth and even his lips before he could kiss me again." She said.
"Whatever. He was the one who instigated the kiss, so go talk to him."
"Yeah right. Why would he want to kiss you when he could kiss me? This is my last warning to you Fea, leave Bonito alone." With that, she walked away.
That day, Bonito and I held a study session (oh! Who am I fooling? We just talked and joked) and some hours after that, a picture of both of us with the tag 'beauty and the beast' surfaced online. Yes, it was Bella.
Some days later, Anita, Skye and I decided to work out so we hit a nearby gym.
As my luck would have it, Bella, Beau and their respective lackeys were having a face-off in there. I decided to pretend like they weren't existing and my friends and I went to a corner and started lifting weights.
Nobody noticed us for a while, until Unibrow (who bore a grudge on me for no apparent reason), nudged Beau.
"Look who's here; the troll."
I refused to acknowledge them and started singing under my breath.
Beau who savored having fresh meat to bully, said, "Why, it seems the beast is working out for her Bonito. Isn't it a shame that Bonito prefers her to some other girl who thinks she's the bee's knees?"
I winced. Seriously? Who still said 'bee's knees' these days? Also, Beau had managed to take a dig at me and at Bella in the same sentence.
"Shut the fuck up and leave her alone."Skye said.
"Yeah. You talk a lot for someone who's second best." Anita said and even Bella and her lackeys had to admit that Anita's dig was the bomb.
"You girls used to be cool, until you started hanging out with her. Now you all are getting ugly." Beau said, in a lame attempt at retaliation.
"Shut up Beau. It's no one's fault that you're no longer the hottest guy!" This came from me. I know, I know, it was a bit derivative but it was the best I could do.
"Girls are no longer interested in you and you can't pull a crowd like you used to do and this pisses you off." I continued as I walked towards him. I was just guessing but from the look on his face, my statements were true.
"So you're doing what every weak man does when he's affronted; attack women." I concluded as I stopped in front of him, arms akimbo.
A collective hush fell before Beau lashed out and pushed me. Hard. I fell butt first but I didn't fall on the floor.
Unibrow was lying on a bench and I landed on his chest, straddling his head. In his confusion, he tried to get up and he put his head to my crotch.
Everyone laughed as he rolled off the bench, dislodging me. We both fell on the floor and I landed on top of him. Anita and Skye came to help me up but they were laughing so hard that they fell. Poor Unibrow was beneath the three of us, struggling to get up.
We stood up and he sat up, inhaling deeply and giving me a murderous glare.
Bella laughed and I could see she had a phone in her hand, "Beau, imagine how people will react when a video of you pushing a girl, an ugly girl but a girl nonetheless surfaces online. No, don't imagine, you'll find out immediately you go online. Adios, losers." She flipped her hair and walked out. Her lackeys followed suite.
"Bitch." Muttered Beau as he and his lackeys left too.
"Idiots." I confirmed, as my friends and I went back to working out.
Two things came out of Bella posting the video online:
- Beau lost many admirers
- Word got out that my lady parts smelled bad. I think the words Unibrow used were 'rotten fish'. And before you even start wondering; it's a BIG lie.
As expected, Bella couldn't let this opportunity pass her by and played Jax the undercrowded ruler's 'did you wash your pussy today?' Whenever I passed. Do not listen to that song! You won't say you weren't warned.
Away from that, today, after lectures, Anita and Skye hurried over to show me some pictures they'd found online. Pictures of Bonito and Bella looking intimate. They were at a shopping mall and in the pictures Bella was all over him.
"It's probably nothing and he's just being friendly." They said, but I'm pretty sure they didn't even believe themselves.
Was Bonito playing Bella and I? I wondered before shaking my head. One kiss, OK, two kisses did not a relationship make. I mean, people kiss all the time don't they? It's not as if he'd asked me to be his girlfriend. In fact, he hadn't even kissed me again since that day.
Speak of the devil and he appears, Bonito came up to us.
"Hi girls." He said as he walked with us.
"Umm, Fea, we've got somewhere to go." My friends said. They were trying to give Bonito and I some privacy.
"Where? I'll come along." I replied. I wasn't sure I wanted to be alone with Bonito.
Anita and Skye looked at me, looked at each other and then, believe it or not, those girls broke into a run leaving Bonito and I bewildered.
He turned to speak and I said the first thing on my mind," What's going on between you and Bella?"
I regretted those words the minute I spoke them, "I'm sorry I asked. It's none of my business." I walked as fast as I could.
"Hey, stop." He caught up with me and placed his hand on my shoulder, "there's absolutely nothing between Bella and I."
"I just saw you two looking cozy in a picture." Again, the words had escaped my mouth without me knowing.
I wanted to apologize but he cut me off, "Look, I'm not attracted to her. That's not even why I came here. I came here to ask if you wanted to come over to my apartment and watch an action movie."
For once, nothing came out of my mouth. Because he was a transfer student, Bonito had waited a while before he'd gotten accommodation on campus and he'd had to rent an apartment in town. He still stayed there sometimes.
I remembered that I hadn't replied and I frantically nodded my assent.
"You don't know how happy you've made me." He kissed my forehead and jogged off. My heart started beating fast and in a moment, I ran off too.

Sophomore Diaries: Diary of an Ugly Girl, Diary of a Once Popular Boy Where stories live. Discover now