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You know how in all those Hollywood YA movies there's always the hot, popular and rich girl who always picks on the average kid, as corny as this sounds, I have such a nemesis. I thought these things ended in secondary school but apparently they didn't. My nemesis' name is Bella. It's not her real name (because I don't want you to "ooh" and "aah" over her when you do an online search). She's extremely good looking.Think about the most beautiful girl you've ever seen and times it by a thousand and you'd get her.
She's obviously rich and dresses like she stepped out from a fashion magazine. She has a posse of girlfriends and they're always together. She prefers to go by the moniker "Queen B" but I call her "Queen Bitch" in my mind, of course. I don't really hate her I just want her to leave me alone although I don't see that happening.
Believe this or not, I didn't do anything to warrant her ire. She started it on the first day she saw me. I remember that day perfectly. I had just arrived at the hostel and needed directions and I saw her and another girl sitting at the visitors' area which was a sort of park with park benches, painting their nails. When I came close to them, I could see they were shocked but I didn't blame them. My looks would've shocked me too.
When I asked for help, the other girl recollected herself and gave me directions to my block. Bella just smirked at me. I thanked the other girl and left. I heard Bella whisper "someone really beat that girl with the ugly stick." They both laughed.
Since that day, Bella has taken it upon herself to make life miserable for me. She shared stories of how ugly I was to our course mates and also said she would've given me a make over but she knew that not even cosmetic surgery could make me look good.
The most embarrassing thing she's ever done to me was the day she entered the bathroom I was using.
"The other bathrooms are crowded and I couldn't wait." She said sweetly as she turned on a shower at the other end.
I knew she was lying. She just wanted to see me nude. I'm not one of those girls who walk around naked or half-naked in the hostel.
I ignored her and hurried. That day in class, the story going round was that my pubes were not shaved and it was looking like a full head of hair probably because "down there doesn't get enough traffic."
Of course, I confronted her about it but she denied it. I could see the mischief in her eyes but I could not do anything no matter how much I wanted to.
"She'll get what's coming to her." I vowed but till this day, she has not yet received it.
If Bella had been my only tormentor, it wouldn't have been that bad but she has a counterpart called Beau (not his real name). Beau is basically the flip side of Bella. He's totally hot, rich, popular and has a great sense of fashion. He's also conceited and a total man-whore (I know, I know, don't slut shame). He also has a posse of lackeys and his hobbies seem to be spreading outrageous rumours about me which he terms "jokes". One day, in class I heard him tell his lackeys that he wouldn't "do" me even if he had a gun pointed to his head. I flipped him off.
Today after classes, I see a conservatively dressed girl giving out flyers. These students belonged to churches with nearby branches and this was their way of getting worshippers. Nobody seemed to be interested in her flyers and I decided to do my good deed for the day by taking a flyer and listening to what she had to say (not that I'd attend).
She was in the middle of explaining their meeting days when Beau sauntered over looking all hot and haughty.
"Are you sure you should be inviting her? She's going to scare off the other worshippers." He said and laughed at his own dig.
The traitorous girl who I'm sure couldn't believe that such a popular guy was talking to her joined in on the laughter.
"You know what? Forget it. I don't think I'm interested anymore." I huffed.
"What's keeping you from coming? It's not as if you're a social butterfly. God accepts even the ugliest of us." The girl said, obviously trying to get Beau to laugh and it worked.
I flipped them off and left. And to think that I had wanted to collect a flyer.
Beau and Bella think they're the King and Queen and the rest of the class are their subjects. One other thing they have in common is the innate ability to have bad grades. It's not as if they're not smart, it's just that they're not interested. I remember a recent test we took, Bella just wrote her name on the answer sheet and dozed off. She woke up only when it was time to submit. She had been partying the night before.
As I reached our hostel, I saw Bella touching up her lipstick before hopping out of an old man's (probably early fifties) car. She caught me staring.
"Stop looking at me before you make me look as ugly as you do." She addressed me before turning back to blow the man a kiss. She brought out five shopping bags with a very expensive fashion line's emblem on them. She must have milked the man to pay for them or maybe she paid for them. I mean, the girl (and by that, I mean her parents) is loaded.
So, the man might have been her father or not but it's her life and it's none of my business. She hurriedly walked ahead of me because she propably didn't want to be caught dead with me. Let the records show that I didn't mind.

Sophomore Diaries: Diary of an Ugly Girl, Diary of a Once Popular Boy Where stories live. Discover now