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Let me let you guys in on a little secret. I don't have any friends in my hostel. I mean, I have people I talk to but they can't be called my friends. They only come to me when they need tutorials and I don't mind helping people (yes, yes, I'm a total softie). I actually thought friends would come with time but Nope! I'm still alone. And don't even suggest friend-hunting, I'm not that desperate.
I'm also one of the few girls who does not have a roommate and of course, Bella says it's because living with me is such a horrible nightmare that no one is brave enough to contemplate.
Staying alone has it perks such as not having to put up with someone else's bad behavior but it can also be very lonely.
One of my course mates asked me to tutor her and I agreed. I mean, the cure to my loneliness is to stay with others isn't it? I followed her to her room where we sat on her bed and studied quietly because her roommate was sleeping prettily.
We were studying and suddenly I heard what sounded like rapid gunfire from a sub-machine gun. I wanted to take cover until the stench hit me. It seemed Sleeping Beauty over there was dropping fart bombs. We opened the windows and increased the speed of the fan and voila! The stench subsided.
We went back to studying and heard what seemed like a heavy metal drummer warming up. I swear, this fart was so loud. This time, we couldn't take it any longer and decided to leave. As we were leaving, she dropped one which sounded like a bazooka going off. At that moment, we RAN! We completed our studying at the visitors' area.
You know, now that I think of it, I enjoy my own room. I mean, when you're the one who farts, it doesn't smell that bad. (Winks).
It's time for the first lecture of the day and everyone is waiting for our lecturer to come. Some students are on the podium preaching about repentance and rapture but no one is listening. Bella climbs the podium and does the classic hair toss and everywhere becomes silent. Even the preachers pause.
"Hi everyone, I'm just here to let you know that Beau and I are throwing a party on Friday night and you're all invited. Even you guys." She says to the preachers. The hall erupts in joyous noise. Beau and Bella's parties are legendary for good food, booze, jams and weed. No one misses it.
Beau walks over to do the usual which is to uninvite me from the party.
"Don't worry, I wasn't planning to attend." I say, before he can speak.
"I was actually going to say that we're not retracting our invite this time." He touches his hair with a sincere look on his face.
"Really?" I ask eagerly. I know I don't like parties but it doesn't hurt to get invited for once.
"Gotcha!" He yells. "Until you fix the horrible situation that is your face, I don't want to see you at my party." He laughs and saunters away.
I hit myself mentally. Was I foolish enough to believe that he would have invited me? For once I was not angry at him but myself.
It's Friday night and the whole hostel is abuzz because everyone I know is getting ready for the party. I'm supposed to study with my study buddy(the one whose roommate drops farts like a bomber jet), but she rescheduled because she and her roommate don't want to miss the party. They're all in their party dresses and shoes flocking out in droves. I retire to my room and my mother video calls me.
I pick up. I frown at my face on the screen, my camera is not doing me any favors.
"Hello, my beauty." My mother smiles.
"Hello mum. I've told you to stop calling me that."
"Why? You're beautiful where it counts. In your heart." She says without missing a beat. She's been telling me this since I came home after my first day at school crying because the other children had called me ugly.
"Yeah right." I roll my eyes.
"Why are you in your room on a Friday night? Don't you know that all work and no play makes you dull?" She asks, peering at me.
"Mum, you're so weird. Other parents would want their children to stay in." I groan.
"Or aren't you being invited to parties? How come your father and I haven't met your friends?" She continues, suddenly looking alarmed. I'm sure the words "my daughter has no friends" are running through her head this minute.
"I got invited but it's not my type of outing and I'll soon introduce my friends to you." I lie. I hate lying but what Mum doesn't know won't kill her.
"Goodbye Mum, greet Dad for me." I say and disconnect the call before she finishes her reply. I look around my room and decide this won't do. I throw on some clothes and leave. Don't get your hopes up, I'm not going to the party. I'm just going night jogging.
I'm jogging past the venue of the party and it's really hopping. I see couples making out outside (eew, guys get a room). The whole place stinks of beer and weed. I see two boys surreptitiously trying to herd two girls into a vehicle. The girls are obviously high.
"I came to win, to fly, to con car, to rice. I came to win, Dubai, to poster, to drive, to flaiiiiiiiiiiii!" One of the girls sings on top of her voice. You guessed correctly if you think she's singing Nicki Minaj's and Rihanna's fly.
"Get the bitch to shut up." One of the boys hiss. This alerts me to the fact that these girls are oblivious of what's going on around them.
"Hey!" I step forward "Let them go."
The boys are shocked but they recollect themselves.
"What's happening here is none of your business. Move along Medusa." One says.
"Unless you want to join us. You're not our type but we could blind fold ourselves."
The girl continues her rendition and I look at the girls. It's no one other than my study buddy and her roommate.
"Let them go or I'll shout." I threaten.
One of the boys suddenly moves to punch me, I duck and use that opportunity to punch his family jewels. He doubles over in pain. The other comes at me but I punch his nose and it bleeds. He shouts and punches my ribs. I go down but manage to sweep his legs out from under him and he lands on his back. The first boy tries to stand but I kick his nards again and he pukes before falling into it. I take the girls who are now murdering a Dua Lipa song back to the hostel. Where did I learn these moves? I usually watch self defense tutorial videos to pass the time.
I take the girls to their room and go to mine to examine myself. My knuckles and my ribs are a bit sore and are bruised but that's all.
The next day, they came to visit me and thanked me for saving them. Apparently they had been sober enough to remember what happened.
They saw my bruised knuckles and felt bad.
"It's just nothing. Hey, you two. I'm sorry but I don't know your names."
"I'm Anita." my study buddy said.
"I'm Skye." Her roommate said. We exchanged handshakes and we streamed a Korean drama together. That was the start of a friendship between us.
It was also the day I discovered I was a super heroine. Nah, I'm too ugly to be one of those. Those women used in the movies look like pin up models.

Sophomore Diaries: Diary of an Ugly Girl, Diary of a Once Popular Boy Where stories live. Discover now