they done got Imani

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"And in a moment, you will notice nothing's quite the same when my colorbars are mixing frequencies! Turn the signal down and spin around the opposite direction... and now, will you please applaud?"
-Kennith Simmons (Fukase ENG.) in COLORBARS (in COMMUNICATIONS case 2 by GHOST and Pals), 1987 (2016)


So Norman was walking one day and saw his old childhood friend Imani.

"Damn they got you too?" He said.

"NORMAHHHHNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!" Bro literally jumped into a bear hug. :)

"Wowzers, how'd you get here?" Norman asked.

"Idk." Imani said. "What about you?"

"It's a lot to explain."

"Yereer. Well, you look quite different, honestly-"

"I don't wanna talk about it. :|" Norman said, cutting Imani off.


"But we've got a lot to catch up on so like... where do you wanna start?"

"Oh, let's start with... ooh! Have you found yourself a girlfriend yet?"


"Oh. Me neither-"

"But I found myself a boyfriend! :D"

" mean-?"

"I mean."

"Oh, wow! Didn't expect you to be gay! Congratulations, Norman! 🥳"

"Tf you congratulating me for?"

"For finding who you are, and to find love out of it! 🎉🎉🎉"

"Oh... thanks ig"

"You're welcome! And honestly, I thought it'd be hard because of your dad. Speaking of him, how is he?"

"Doesn't matter. He's dead."

"What?! He's dead too?!"

Norman nodded.

"Oof... how'd he go?"

"Some mf ate his head off."

"Oh damn."


"So you're an orphan now?"

"Not necessarily. That mf who ate my dad's head is basically my caretaker now ig"

"Ahhh oki."

"Anyways how've you been."



"...wanna head to the bar?"

"Yeah why not."

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