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Victorias POV

I wake up beside Eyal when the lights turn on. He turns over and says "good morning." "Morning" I say back sitting up. "How are you?" He asks "I've been better." I say "Just take it one step at a time." He says "How is it having Meghan in here?" I ask him because Meghan is his ex. "It was weird at first but we don't have as much history. We were coupled for ten days and we were so young." He says "Yeah seeing him was like a knife to the heart." I say putting my hair in a clip.

Lana come over to lay with us. "You ok?" She asks "Mhm" I say "You've got me, you'll be ok" she says "I hope." I say and all the girls head into the glam room. "Cely you've got something new" Justine says "I know, he is so hot." She says and I just keep my head down "How are you vic?" Georgia asks "It's weird, it hurts but it's life." I say putting moisturizer on. "I'll try to not talk about him too much if it's hard for you but he does check boxes." She says "That's great" I say annoyed and take my stuff to the bathroom to get ready alone.

Lana's POV

Vic left to go get ready in the bathroom. I stayed cause I was almost done then was gonna go sit with her. "I don't feel like home being here should be that hard." Cely says "He was her ex, she loved him, he cheated, she has all the right to be upset and confused." I say and everyone stayed quiet. "You can get to know him but be aware of her feelings and compassionate of her because she has been through the wringer for and with him." I say and grab my sunglasses and find vic.

Victorias POV

Lana comes in and sits on the edge of the bathtub while I finish my makeup. Toby also walks in to brush his teeth. "You good?" He asks "Everyone is asking me that, no I'm not" I say starting to cry "come here don't get upset." He says holding me in a hug "I just am confused and it's sad to see him cause I loved him so much." I say "I know, you can chat to him if you want but also you can get to know Eyal and maybe me and just be open. Him being here doesent mean you don't get to explore." He says "I know it's just hard to want to explore now because when I see him I just think about us meeting in here and then also being with him." I say wiping my tears "it's a rollercoaster in here." Lana says "Yeah exactly, there's no one way to do this." Toby says "I know, I'm gonna go change. I'll see you guys soon." I say going to pick a swimsuit.

I pick:

I grab my sunglasses and head outside to make a coffee

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I grab my sunglasses and head outside to make a coffee. Lana was in the kitchen making eggs so I joined her to make my my coffee. "Your strong" she says "I may look like it but I'm crumbling inside" I say "you can cry if you need to, it's a part of it all." She says "I just don't have the tears right now it's just confusion of all the feelings that have come rushing back." I say "I know, it's all a lot." She says and I see Tom walking over.

"Hey wanna maybe chat?" He asks "Sure." I say not really wanting to but knowing we have to. We walk to the terrace. "How are you?" He asks "I've been better, how are you?" I ask "uh this is a lot, I've also been better. I hope you've been well." He says "I was doing good but I guess seeing you is a big step back." I say choking up "why?" He asks knowing why. "Because there's so much here between us in this place. This is the place I first fell in love with you, the place I became your girlfriend, the place I opened up to you about my parents, the place I felt loved by you. There's so much here." I say starting to cry and he does too "I'm sorry" he says and I just stay silent crying. "I'm so sorry vic." He says and him saying my name like that just makes me feel so much. " I don't know what to say anymore." I say "We can talk more later if you want to be alone." He says "yeah I think I need to be alone" I say and he walks away.

I stayed up there curled in a ball sobbing. Lana came up and held me for awhile while I cried. "I don't know if I can do this." I say "you can do this, he doesent get to take this away from you." She says "Him simply existing in front of me takes everything away from me." I say "The thing that hurts the most is I still have no clue why he cheated in the first place. If he loved me and I loved him why?" I say "I know but don't eat yourself up by rethinking everything." She says "The moment I saw him every memory in here just flashed like reel through my head." I say "I know, it's hard. Being here knowing I loved Ron in here and now have to love someone else is insane." She says "I'm sorry for you too Lana." I say "you're going through it worse babes." She says putting her head ion my shoulder.

The night came and I changed into:

I walked out with Lana and everyone stood around and cheers

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I walked out with Lana and everyone stood around and cheers. We then got a text to gather around the fire pit to play a game of truth or dare. Justine was first and she chose dare, she had to kiss her top three guys. They were Jack, Tom and Ray. Then Toby went and chose truth, his was to say who he would couple up with besides his partner right now which is Georgia. He picked me. Then it was Toms turn and he picked dare. His was to kiss a girl he is the most intrested in.

I want and don't want him to kiss me. I want him to want to kiss me too though. I think though he doesent wanna hurt me more so he kisses Cely. It was then my turn and I chose truth. It was why did my last relationship not work out. " I don't fully know myself, but maybe he got bored, maybe he just had no more love, maybe it was for fun." I say and everyone's jaws drop and Tom just looks down.

A couple of us went again and Tom did truth and it was if he'd ever cheated and if he'd do it again. "I think we all know the awnser, after I've seen how it impacted her I wouldn't ever do it again." He says looking away from me "Once a cheater always a cheater." Kyra says.

The game continued but eventually ended and we all got ready for bed. I got into bed with Eyal and he gave me hug. I got cozy and just tried to not think about the fact Tom is now in here with me.

Maybe this was a big mistake after all...

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