Part 1 The central uprising

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Cover-Max extent of Scottish control during uprising with crosses indicating battles sites.

In this country the Dunblane massacre never occurred and there was a much higher american influence on Scotland.Due to this the country has a gun culture similar to that of the USA.Covid also had a much bigger impact on Scotland making the country alot more anti England.During colonisation the Jacobites fled to French Canada where  until the 7 years war had a puppet kingdom.Throughout the decades the Jacobite Kings would establish small puppet kingdoms like that.They did this in areas with large populations across the world especially when colonys often switched hands.As such the Jacobite movement never truly ended and once the Scottish Parliament was formed around the 1960s they gained power and support.This meant that nationalism had arrived much earlier giving time for a more extensive Scottish government to be established and proved.

November 1st to January 24th 2023

Week 1-Large protests break out across the country between Pro independence and pro gov supporters.

Week 2-Riots begin to occur as Unionist supporters violently clash with their sepratist counter parts.Crackdowns begin and those on Pro sepratist protesters are particularly violent.

Week 3-Pro sepratist dies during riots.Sepratist supporters find it necessary to create self defence groups.The most prominent of which is an already existing group called the SNG (siol nan gaidhil).Unionist supporters begin to face casualties during riots.Therfore they form their own groups.

Week 4-Brutal crackdowns on riots and paramilitarys begin in the main cities throughout Scotland.Unionists begin to target Scottish monuments.The first battle of the war the battle of Hollyrude occurs between Unionist paramilitarys attempting to kill SNP leaders and hollyrudes gaurds.The Pro Scottish paramilitarys win.A bombing of a Conservative SMPs building occurs in Aberdeen.

Week 5-In fear of an insurgency all entrances to the Highlands are completely blocked off.Groups of armed men already in the Highlands are quickly apprehended by SAS soldiers.Shortly after the MI6 building in London is attacked and partially destroyed.With these limitations armed men from all sides converge on the central belt location larbert.Street fights break out in the town everyday.Now killings across the country are relatively normal

Week 6-Battle of the cricket pitch pro Unionist police officers help defend against a band of Scots.These groups begin to take control of neighbourhoods across the region.Small battles occur throughout the area.

Week 7-Pro Scottish paramilitarys declare their areas the state of Scotland.They quickly go onto capture the entirety of larbert.The third battle of Falkirk begins the first use of armoured vehicles is used to move into the town.Unionists positioned on the railway hold them off for a bit but they manage to break through and capture the town.Many Scottish members of the military defect and with their vehicles join the Scots.Unionists in outlying villages are overran shortly afterwards.Forgien supporters for Scotland join in too.

Week 8-First use of boats in the war when Scots use boats to land in blackness and other forth coastal towns.Notably the battle of Airth gains particular notoriety due to its speed and the show of SNG brutality.Jacobite forces are formed and fight Unionists in the battle of the lomond hills.This would make the conflict part of the Jacobite risings.Pro Scottish forces upon the relization of the lack actual government opposition go on to rapidly take the following areas.Linlithgow,the Campsie fells,ochil hills and the area between the cairngorms and the Ochils.Due to this the British army move across the border.Scottish soldiers move into the hills and successfully stalls the British soldiers on the frontlines.The English do break through very very shortly afterwards.

The central uprising
Result-Both sides claim victory

Scottish independence is granted in an attempt to avoid a repeat of the Troubles

Beginning of the Scottish civil war (Third Scottish war of independence)

England removes all military equipment they can find from the country.

65 Unionists
2 Jacobites
5 English soldiers
52 SNG members
26 Civilians
At least £18 million in damages

Scottish civil war.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon