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Henry POV

She is just staring at me, she's not saying anything or moving. Amelia is feeding and I don't know what to do.
She blinks a few times "what.....what did you say?"
"I said marry me? Be my wife"
She shakes her head "Henry......we......I've just had a baby. We've not been together a yea yet........why...."
"Why? Because of everything I've just said Layla. I know I've not been the best boyfriend, I've caused you pain and I'm sorry. I will spend the rest of my life making up for that. I would like to spend the rest of my life with you as my wife. I don't want anyone else by my side, your it for me."

"I am?"
I can't help but chuckle "yes. You are. You and Millie that's all I need"
She smiles "you really wanna marry me?"
"More then anything in this world"
"Yes. Henry I'll marry you"
I cup her cheeks and kiss her, minding my daughter of course who is in her mothers arms. I rush to my bag and pull out a ring, I open the box and I hear Layla gasp.
"Henry.....that's beautiful"
"It was my grandma, my mum gave it to me tonight"

"Yes. Layla I've wanted to propose to you for a while I just didn't want you to think I was doing it for the baby"
"Your not...."
"No. Im proposing because I love you"
She smiles again "I love you too" she takes my hand and sighs "I saw Gracie"
I look at her a little confused "what do you mean?"
"When I was asleep, I don't know if it was real or a dream or what but she was there. She was older, I don't really know how but she was. She was beautiful, she told me she loved me, that she loved you and that she would always be with all of us. She said she would protect Amelia and......"

She takes a deep breath "that I shouldn't hold onto any guilt I may have over her dying. I should be happy in our family." She places her hand on my cheek "she said you were my knight in shining armour after all"
I chuckle "and I always will be, for the both of you"
"You don't think I'm nuts?"
"No. I don't think your nuts I think your niece wanted you to know she's okay and you can be happy even though she's gone"
I nod "that's what she said"

"She loved you so much Layla, you were her hero. She told me many times, told me you were my future. And she was right, you, Millie both of you are my future and I love you so much"
"I love you too Mr Cavill"
"I love you more soon to be Mrs Cavill"
She giggles "I like the sound of that"
"Me too"
I kiss her again, taking Amelia from her as she has finished. I gently lay her down and she falls straight to sleep. I climb in next to Layla and hold her close. She stares down at her ring and smiles "I love it"
"I'm glad"

"I don't want a big fancy wedding, I just want to be married to you"
"Okay. How ever you want baby"
"Thank you"
"Your more then welcome"
I kiss her head and we drift slowly into a peaceful sleep, my future wife in my arms and my daughter by my side. My life just couldn't get anymore perfect.

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