Handsome and sweet

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Layla POV

I came to the hospital this morning and I saw all the kids in the lounge, they were surrounded by huge teddies and so many toys. When I went to speak with Sarah she told me Henry had made this huge donation, not just of toys and teddies but art supplies and new TVs and money towards whatever medical supplies were needed. I couldn't believe it, he truly was one of the sweetest guys I had ever met. Grace was currently laughing and playing with some dolls with a few of the other girls from her floor and she looked so happy. As I'm watching her, I see Kal come running in. All the kids fussing over him and he is lapping it up.

Henry walks over to grace placing a kiss on her head and then heading over to me. Kissing me softly on the lips and smiling.
"Hi. You did all this? Before 10am"
He chuckles "I've been sorting this out for a couple of days. I'm glad there all having fun"
He looks back towards me and I cup his cheeks and pull him into a long passionate kiss.
"Mmmm what was that for?"
"You are single handily the most amazing, sweet and kind man I have ever met"
He smiles wider and kisses me softly "they deserve the happiness. I'm going to do whatever I can to keep smiles on there faces"

I shake my head "how did we get so lucky"
"I definitely think I'm the lucky one here" he kisses me again "now I'm going to play. You coming?"
"In a bit"
He winks and walks towards Gracie, plonking himself down on the floor next to her and playing along. Gracie leans over and kisses his cheek and whispers in his ear. He laughs and kisses her cheek before continuing to play. I stand on the edge watching this wonderful man, who's heart is bigger then anyone I have ever met. I've never felt so lucky before in my life, to have him in my life and to be able to call him mine.

He looks over to me and waves me over, so I go and sit down. Watching all the kids and seeing them leaving there troubles behind and just be able to be kids. There lives are so much harder then so many peoples and these moments are few and far between these days.
"You okay?" Henry asks as I realise I have zoned out a little.
I nod "I'm good. Thank you Henry"
He smiles "your welcome"
I know these moments mean more now then ever, knowing grace probably doesn't have a lot of time left I want to make as many memories as possible and now Henry is apart of those memories too.

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