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Layla POV

I see him walk towards me, he doesn't look directly at me, he keeps his head to the floor and I'm fine with that.
"Hi Layla"
"Daniel" he looks over to my right and sees Henry standing there
"I'm Henry" he shakes his hand and Daniel nods "your superman"
"Yeah I am"
He nods again before looking at me "Layla...."
"Don't. She wants you here not me. She has questions for you, questions she wants and needs answers too. So your going to give her them answers and your going to be kind and truthful and honest and your not going to bull shit her got it"

"Ok" he nods and I point I the direction of Graces room. I open the door and Kal runs in, he jumps up on the bed and nuzzles under graces arm. He watches Daniel walk around to graces side and I'm happy that he is watching over her.
"We will be just outside okay grace?"
"Okay" she nods and Henry calls Kal but he refuses to move and I'm okay with that. So he allows Kal to stay. As we leave the room, I see Daniel sit down on the bed and start talking. We walk to the seats and I can't help but feel nervous.

"She will be okay you know"
"I know" I sigh "I'm just worried what he will say to her"
He nods "Kal will keep her safe"
I nod and smile "thank you Henry"
"For what?"
"For everything and I'm sorry"
He shakes his head "you don't have to apologise"
"Yes I do. How I treated you was not okay"
"Layla you had every right to be angry, you thought I took advantage of you and grace and you stood up to that"
"I should have let you explain"

"Layla" he takes my hand "you have nothing to be sorry for okay. Nothing"
I nod "I'm sorry about your team and what they did"
"Yeah" he huffs "me too"
"Did they even say why?"
"Told me it was good for my self image, I told them it was bull shit"
I can't help but giggle "well I'm glad you got rid of them"
"You watched my live?"
"Yeah. Grace showed me"
He nods "I was beyond angry and hurt by what they did but the number 1 reason I was so pissed was because they hurt you and they hurt that little girl in there who has made her way into my heart and it broke knowing someone had hurt her that way. Hurt you that way"

I can't help but smile "you have a weakness for us Henry Cavill?"
He laughs "very much so"
"We have a weakness for you too"
He smiles "well it's a good job I'm not going anywhere then"
"Very good"
After a few moments we hear graces door open and Daniel walks out, wiping his eyes and leaving the hospital, we rush to grace ans she is cuddling into Kal.
"You okay sweetie?"
She nods "I got my answers. I'm okay"
"Okay. You tired?"
She nods "okay. Get some sleep okay?"

"Okay" she gets comfy and then whispers my name "Layla?"
"Thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you"
"I love you too honey"
"I love you as well Henry" he laughs and kisses the top of her head "I love you too princess"
With those words she drifts off to a peaceful sleep and it makes me wonder how many more times this will happen before she doesn't wake up from those peaceful sleeps.

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