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Henry POV

Saying goodbye to grace is one of the hardest things I've ever done. I still beat myself up for not being there for her when she needed me. I could see Layla but I kept my distance, she has held me at arms length since grace died and I know it's her way of coping so I don't want to upset her, I just want her to know I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Sarah spoke with me at the funeral and she handed me an envelope, when I opened it. I realised it was a letter from grace.

She has told me how much I had come to mean to her since I had met her. She told me that I had been more of a father to her then her own and that she loved me dearly. She explained that although Layla would push me away as her way of coping I needed to stay strong and not leave. Layla would want me back, she just needed time. Even in written word grace was an amazing kid. She knew her aunt better then anyone and when I read her words I knew she understood more of what Layla needed then even Layla did.

I gave Sarah a bag, it has a gift for Layla something I knew would mean a lot to her and it was something grace really wanted to make. I decided to leave before the wake because I just couldn't bare to stay away from Layla. I've been sat at home for a few hours and I just don't know what to do with myself. Kal knows there is something wrong, he hasn't left my side and will cry out a few times. He misses grace just as must as I do. I feel myself nodding off to sleep when I hear my door.

I groan and walk towards it, opening it up and seeing Layla stood before me.
"Can I come in?" She asks, her eyes are red from all the crying she has done.
I nod and move aside for her, Kal running to her instantly and her making a fuss of him.
"Do you want a drink or anything?"
"Please. A cup of tea"
I nod and she goes to sit down while I go to the kitchen and make her a drink. As I walk back in I see her sitting down on my sofa, her head in her hands. I place the mug on the table and sit down next to her.

"Henry" she looks up to me, tears lining her eyes "thank you for the teddy"
"Your welcome. Grace wanted you to have something of her"
She nods and wipes away the fallen tear "I love it really"
I smile and she takes my hand in hers "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for pushing you away and keeping you away. I just......"
"Layla you don't have apologise, I completely understand"
"Losing grace, has been the hardest thing in this world and I don't know how to deal with this. How to cope. I'm so used to be on my own. Of doing everything alone but Henry......" she sighs "I don't like being alone. I don't want to be alone"

Her face crumbles as she lets out a heartbreaking sob. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close, so close in fact that she climbs up on my lap and wraps her arms around my neck, sobbing into my neck.
"I miss her so much"
"Me too, sweetheart me too" I feel my tears start to fall but I try to hold them back.
"I miss you Henry. Please help me through this"
I pull back and cup her cheek "I will help
You through anything Layla. I love you"
She smiles, a genuine smile and kiss my lips softly "I love you too"

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