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Henry POV

It's been a few weeks since Gracie was unwell but I am happy to say she woke up a few days later and it looked as though she had a little fight left in her in order to beat the fever. She is very weak but the most important thing is she is awake and she's smiling.
"There's my favourite person" I say as I walk into her room, as she is so weak we do have to wear a mask and gloves so we don't take any other germs into the room.
"Henry" she croaks as she smiles from ear to ear.
"I have something for you"
"You do?"

I see Layla sat in the chair next to Gracie's bed and she smiles "I do. I know how much you want to see Kal but I can't bring him at the moment so I got you this"
I pull out from the behind the door a huge dog teddy that looks just like Kal. She squeals and I place it down on the bed and she automatically hugs it close.
"Thank you" I hear from Layla and I smile "no worries. I have something for you too"
I nod and I walk back out of the room, grabbing another teddy. This one is brown and a traditional teddy.

She laughs as I place him down on her lap "thank you. I love him"
"Good. His name is Henry by the way"
"You named my teddy?"
I nod "yep"
She chuckles and I look over to Gracie who is still hugging the Kal teddy tightly.
"How you feeling today Gracie?"
"I'm ok. A little sleepy but ok"
"Well why don't you take a nap and I'm going to take your auntie for a coffee is that okay?"
She nods "okay"

I hold my hand out to Layla "will you accompany me to the canteen for a coffee?"
"Yes I will"
She kisses Gracie head "I'll be back soon okay"
We walk out of the room and take off our masks and gloves and aprons. I hear Layla let out a huge sigh and I turn to look at her. She looks exhausted and so sad.
"How are you?"
She shakes her head "I don't even know anymore Henry. I feel like I haven't slept in weeks"

"Layla, I can watch Gracie why don't you go home, shower and take a nap. I'll take care of her I promise"
"Henry I can't...."
"Yes you can. You need to be well rested in order to take care of her Layla. Your No good to her when your exhausted"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Let's go get a coffee and some breakfast and then I'll have my driver take you home just for a couple of hours okay"
She walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and holding me close.

"Thank you Henry"
"Your welcome"
As she pulls away, I feel a loss at her arms falling away from me. I have only known Layla for a few weeks and I already know I can't ever not have her in my life. I never believed in meeting someone and having that instant connection but Layla proved to me that can happen. Her and Gracie have become so important to me and I'm so happy I met them. I just hope they feel that way too.

"Henry Cavill, you are my knight in shining armour do you know that?"
I chuckle "if you say so"
"No I mean it Henry. You've done more for us then anyone I have ever known and you've only been in our lives for a few weeks. I've never been more glad for a actor to come visit this place. I would honestly be lost without you"
"Me too Layla" I wrap my arm around Laylas shoulders and we continue our walk to the canteen. I'm never let this woman go .

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