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Gracie POV

"I'm sorry Layla but there isn't anything else we can do. We have tried all treatments and she isn't responding to them. I'm sorry"
Those are the words I hear as I lay in my bed colouring yet another picture of a dog that looks like Kal. The doctors have given up and if I'm being honest so have I. I'm 6 years old and I've spent most of my life in hospital, I have fought hard against my cancer but I don't think I have any more energy in me to fight. I can hear my aunt, shouting at the doctors. She is crying and sad and she wants them to do more. She isn't ready to lose me.

She needs support through this and the only person we had was Henry. He posted to instagram a video explaining that his team had gone behind his back to the media and released information and photos that he did not approve. He also stated that he had fired those people and if anyone who had been directly effected by those articles wanted to sue he would be more then willing to cooperate. I like Henry and I know my auntie does too she is just to stubborn to reach out first. So I'm taking matters into my own hands and reaching out for her.

She left her phone in here with me, I'm 6 so I know how they work. I see Henry's number and press the call button.
"Hi Henry"
"Gracie? What's wrong? Why are you ringing me from Laylas phone?"
"Henry I want you to come see me with Kal please"
"Gracie I would love too but you know your aunt won't allow it. She's mad at me"
"She's being stubborn and she needs to stop it. I miss you and Kal and I may not have much time left"

Henry POV

"What? What do you mean?"
"The doctors say there isn't anything else they can do, they have tried everything. So now it's just a waiting game. Aunt Layla isn't taking it well and she needs you Henry. We both do"
I can hear her emotion through the phone as I try to hold back my tears "Gracie I'm so sorry. I'll see what I can do okay"
"Okay. Henry she isn't mad at you, she knows it wasn't your fault. She is just scared and trying to protect her heart"
"I know Gracie. You just rest up and I'll see you soon okay"
"Okay. I love you henry"
I take a deep breath before replying "I love you too princess"

We hang up and I allow some tears to fall before I pick my phone back up and dial the hospital, I'm hoping if I can speak with Sarah, I can get her to let me in to see Gracie. It's weird, Kal has been so mopy lately and I think it's because he misses Gracie and Layla. He was used to having them around.
"Hello Sarah Richards speaking"
"Hi Sarah it's Henry Cavill"
"Hi Henry. Everything okay?"
"Yeah I was wondering if you could do me a huge favour?"
"I can try"

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