Chapter 29: Holy Shit

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Christopher Romano

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Christopher Romano

I feel a punch in my stomach and a groan slips past my lips as my eyes flutter open and I see the same fucker from yesterday.

''Which Italian Mafia do you work for?'' he snarls at me, like troia (cunt)  you are shorter than my arm length and fucking spit while you speak.

Puttana (whore) doesn't even know there's only one Italian mafia, Alvaro needs to educate his men.

''The one your dad runs, troia,'' I tell him and spit the mouthful of blood on his face as he grunts wiping it off his shirt.

I look over at Lorenzo to see him totally dreaming cause he pissed the fuckers off so now they don't wanna torture him.

I was preparing myself for another blow but all I heard were... gunshots?

The fuck is happening?

The troia shot in the middle of the head as his body falls on mine but I push him off with all energy I could muster with my whole body bruised and hands and feet tied to a chain.

''The fuck is going on?'' Lorenzo asks to my side and my eyes fall on the crest of one of the men shooting. Elena got some sense knocked into her.

Elena runs up to me, shooting the chains, doing the same with Lorenzo as the two of us duck down, running along her as she covers us, shooting a few which try to get me.

I wince lightly and hold onto my abdomen but then grab the gun Elena hands me and shooting some people I see are not dressed like my men. Nausea fills my stomach and my head spins when I hear the gunshots.

I don't know for how long I can manage without fainting.

She takes us up the stairs and I see the same blank bright white room which I guess I was in before fainting as she tells someone to open the door through her earpiece.

My eyes scrunch themselves from the daylight when we exit and run about a good five minutes and I feel my head spinning even more than it was before.

I feel arms wrap around me as a body carefully pushes itself onto me and my eyes flutter open to see a head full of dark brown hair.

''Chris,'' a honey sweet voice I very well know speaks and I wrap my arms around her, inhaling her soft sweet scent, wanting to stay like this for as long as I can.

''Ariella,'' I whisper, barely inaudible but it seems she heard as her arms tighten around me and my eyes try contemplating the surroundings.

''Our men got out, we need to hurry and leave,'' Elena says and Ariella's body pushes itself off me lightly and when I feel like she is walking away, her one arm wraps around my torso as she sets me down, probably in the car and I feel a seatbelt being tucked around me.

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